
  1. Ch. 1
  2. In Praise of Wisdom
  3. Fear of the Lord Is True Wisdom
  4. Ch. 2
  5. Duties toward God
  6. Ch. 3
  7. Duties toward Parents
  8. Humility
  9. Alms for the Poor
  10. Ch. 4
  11. Duties toward the Poor and the Oppressed
  12. The Rewards of Wisdom
  13. Ch. 5
  14. Precepts for Everyday Living
  15. Ch. 6
  16. Friendship, False and True
  17. Blessings of Wisdom
  18. Ch. 7
  19. Miscellaneous Advice
  20. Relations with Others
  21. Ch. 8
  22. Prudence and Common Sense
  23. Ch. 9
  24. Advice concerning Women
  25. Choice of Friends
  26. Concerning Rulers
  27. Ch. 10
  28. The Sin of Pride
  29. Persons Deserving Honor
  30. Concerning Humility
  31. Ch. 11
  32. The Deceptiveness of Appearances
  33. Deliberation and Caution
  34. Care in Choosing Friends
  35. Ch. 12
  36. Care in Choosing Friends
  37. Ch. 13
  38. Caution Regarding Associates
  39. Ch. 14
  40. Responsible Use of Wealth
  41. The Happiness of Seeking Wisdom
  42. Ch. 15
  43. Freedom of Choice
  44. Ch. 16
  45. God's Punishment of Sinners
  46. God's Wisdom Seen in Creation
  47. Ch. 17
  48. God's Wisdom Seen in Creation
  49. A Call to Repentance
  50. Ch. 18
  51. The Majesty of God
  52. The Right Spirit in Giving Alms
  53. The Need of Reflection and Self-control
  54. Ch. 19
  55. Against Loose Talk
  56. Ch. 37
  57. True and False Wisdom
  58. Ch. 20
  59. Silence and Speech
  60. Paradoxes
  61. Inappropriate Speech
  62. Lying
  63. Ch. 21
  64. Various Sins
  65. Wisdom and Foolishness
  66. Ch. 22
  67. The Idler
  68. Degenerate Children
  69. Wisdom and Folly
  70. The Preservation of Friendship
  71. A Prayer for Help against Sinning
  72. Ch. 23
  73. Foul Language
  74. Concerning Sexual Sins
  75. Ch. 24
  76. Concerning Sexual Sins
  77. Wisdom and the Law
  78. Ch. 25
  79. Those Who Are Worthy of Praise
  80. Some Extreme Forms of Evil
  81. The Evil of a Wicked Woman
  82. Ch. 26
  83. The Joy of a Good Wife
  84. The Worst of Evils: A Wicked Wife
  85. The Blessing of a Good Wife
  86. Three Depressing Things
  87. The Temptations of Commerce
  88. Ch. 27
  89. Tests in Life
  90. Reward and Retribution
  91. Varieties of Speech
  92. Betraying Secrets
  93. Hypocrisy and Retribution
  94. Anger and Vengeance
  95. Ch. 28
  96. The Evil Tongue
  1. Ch. 29
  2. On Lending and Borrowing
  3. On Guaranteeing Debts
  4. Home and Hospitality
  5. Ch. 30
  6. Home and Hospitality
  7. Ch. 31
  8. Right Attitude toward Riches
  9. Table Etiquette
  10. Temperance in Drinking Wine
  11. Ch. 32
  12. Etiquette at a Banquet
  13. The Providence of God
  14. Ch. 33
  15. Differences in Nature and in Humankind
  16. The Advantage of Independence
  17. The Treatment of Slaves
  18. Ch. 34
  19. Dreams Mean Nothing
  20. Experience as a Teacher
  21. Fear the Lord
  22. Offering Sacrifices
  23. Ch. 35
  24. The Law and Sacrifices
  25. Divine Justice
  26. Ch. 36
  27. A Prayer for God's People
  28. Concerning Discrimination
  29. Ch. 37
  30. False Friends
  31. Caution in Taking Advice
  32. Concerning Moderation
  33. Ch. 38
  34. Concerning Physicians and Health
  35. On Mourning for the Dead
  36. Trades and Crafts
  37. The Activity of the Scribe
  38. Ch. 39
  39. A Hymn of Praise to God
  40. Ch. 40
  41. Human Wretchedness
  42. Injustice Will Not Prosper
  43. The Joys of Life
  44. The Disgrace of Begging
  45. Ch. 41
  46. Concerning Death
  47. The Fate of the Wicked
  48. A Series of Contrasts
  49. Ch. 42
  50. Daughters and Fathers
  51. The Works of God in Nature
  52. Ch. 43
  53. The Splendor of the Sun
  54. The Splendor of the Moon
  55. The Glory of the Stars and the Rainbow
  56. The Marvels of Nature
  57. Ch. 44
  58. Enoch
  59. Noah
  60. Abraham
  61. Isaac and Jacob
  62. Moses
  63. Ch. 45
  64. Aaron
  65. Phinehas
  66. Ch. 46
  67. Joshua and Caleb
  68. The Judges
  69. Ch. 47
  70. Nathan
  71. David
  72. Solomon
  73. Rehoboam and Jeroboam
  74. Ch. 48
  75. Elijah
  76. Elisha
  77. Hezekiah
  78. Isaiah
  79. Ch. 49
  80. Josiah and Other Worthies
  81. Retrospect
  82. Ch. 50
  83. Simon Son of Onias
  84. A Benediction
  85. Epilogue
  86. Ch. 51
  87. Epilogue
  88. Autobiographical Poem on Wisdom