2 Esdras

  1. Ch. 1
  2. The Genealogy of Ezra
  3. Ezra's Prophetic Call
  4. God's Mercies to Israel
  5. Israel's Disobedience and Rejection
  6. Ch. 2
  7. God's Judgment on Israel
  8. Exhortation to Good Works
  9. Ezra on Mount Horeb
  10. Ezra Sees the Son of God
  11. Ch. 3
  12. Ezra's Prayer of Complaint
  13. Babylon Compared with Zion
  14. Ch. 4
  15. Limitations of the Human Mind
  16. Parable of the Forest and the Sea
  17. The New Age Will Make All Things Clear
  18. When Will the New Age Come?
  19. How Much Time Remains?
  20. Ch. 5
  21. Signs of the End
  22. Conclusion of the Vision
  23. Ezra's Second Prayer of Complaint
  24. Response to Ezra's Complaints
  25. Why Successive Generations Have Been Created
  26. When and How Will the End Come?
  27. Ch. 6
  28. The Dividing of the Times
  29. More Signs of the End
  30. Conclusion of the Second Vision
  31. The Third Vision
  32. God's Work in Creation
  33. Why Do God's People Suffer?
  34. Ch. 7
  35. Response to Ezra's Questions
  36. The Fate of the Ungodly
  37. The Temporary Messianic Kingdom
  38. Only a Few Will Be Saved
  1. Lamentation over the Fate of Most People
  2. Ezra Appeals to God's Mercy
  3. Ch. 8
  4. Ezra Again Appeals to God's Mercy
  5. Ezra's Prayer
  6. Response to Ezra's Prayer
  7. Ezra's Final Appeal for Mercy
  8. Ch. 9
  9. More about the Signs of the End
  10. The Argument Recapitulated
  11. The Abiding Glory of the Mosaic Law
  12. The Vision of a Weeping Woman
  13. Ch. 10
  14. Uriel's Interpretation of the Vision
  15. Ch. 11
  16. The Vision of the Eagle
  17. A Lion Roused from the Forest
  18. Ch. 12
  19. The Interpretation of the Vision
  20. The People Come to Ezra
  21. Ch. 13
  22. The Man from the Sea
  23. Ch. 14
  24. The Lord Commissions Ezra
  25. Ezra's Concern to Restore the Scriptures
  26. Ezra's Last Words to the People
  27. The Restoration of the Scriptures
  28. Ch. 15
  29. Vengeance on the Wicked
  30. A Terrifying Vision of Warfare
  31. Judgment on Babylon
  32. Judgment on Asia
  33. Ch. 16
  34. Further Denunciations
  35. The Horror of the Last Days
  36. God's People Must Prepare for the End
  37. The Power and Wisdom of God
  38. Impending Persecution of God's People
  39. Promise of Divine Deliverance