The Providence of God

Sirach 32

14 The one who seeks God 1 will accept his discipline,
and those who rise early to seek him 2 will find favor.
15 The one who seeks the law will be filled with it,
but the hypocrite will stumble at it.
16 Those who fear the Lord will form true judgments,
and they will kindle righteous deeds like a light.
17 The sinner will shun reproof,
and will find a decision according to his liking.

18 A sensible person will not overlook a thoughtful suggestion;
an insolent 3 and proud person will not be deterred by fear. 4
19 Do nothing without deliberation,
but when you have acted, do not regret it.
20 Do not go on a path full of hazards,
and do not stumble at an obstacle twice. 5
21 Do not be overconfident on a smooth 6 road,
22 and give good heed to your paths. 7
23 Guard 8 yourself in every act,
for this is the keeping of the commandments.

24 The one who keeps the law preserves himself, 9
and the one who trusts the Lord will not suffer loss.

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