Better are those who hide their folly
than those who hide their wisdom.
Therefore show respect for my words;
for it is not good to feel shame in every circumstance,
nor is every kind of abashment to be approved. 1
Be ashamed of sexual immorality, before your father or mother;
and of a lie, before a prince or a ruler;
of a crime, before a judge or magistrate;
and of a breach of the law, before the congregation and the people;
of unjust dealing, before your partner or your friend;
and of theft, in the place where you live.
Be ashamed of breaking an oath or agreement, 2
and of leaning on your elbow at meals;
of surliness in receiving or giving,
and of silence, before those who greet you;
of looking at a prostitute,
and of rejecting the appeal of a relative;
of taking away someone's portion or gift,
and of gazing at another man's wife;
of meddling with his servant-girl--
and do not approach her bed;
of abusive words, before friends--
and do not be insulting after making a gift.