How do you confront someone claiming to be a Christian for several years who does not display the fruit of the Spirit, nor do they show any signs of being spiritually “born again”?
1 Thessalonians 5:11 - 24
This was one of the topics we as students @ Arizona Bible College in Phoenix, Arizona could choose from to write a paper on. Then in Mr. Robert Bowles class...
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What does it mean to take a thought captive?
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Why did Noah release a raven? Why did he later release a dove?
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Why did Noah curse Ham / Canaan?
Yes. When Christ returns, Israel will receive an "unction from the Holy One", and will "know all things" (1 John 2:20). He will be their God and they will be...
The next verse (v19 in bold below) explains the purpose of why we must prepare ourselves with "the whole armor of God": Eph 6:10-19 "Finally, my brethren, be...
The Christian life is filled with dangers, granted. The enemy continually assaults believers. How can we stand against this constant warfare?
Ephesians 6:10 - 20
In reading the story I am of the opinion that the medium herself was surprised and irritated at what happened; it wasn't her doing. I believe God did bring...
Please allow me to say that the Old Testament was a covenant between the LORD and Abraham his servant. The LORD promised him that through his seed all...
Ps 36:9 the fountain of life is a symbol of renewal and vitality, this is a common term in Proverbs (Prov 13:14; 14:27; 16:22). --Faithlife Study Bible "For...
I am so impressed with the call of Levi (Matthew). I compare it to my own call. It beautifully highlights his transformation from a despised tax collector to...
Whatever is claimed to be the voice of God must be in line with scripture. We are to "test the spirits" (1 John 4:1) by the Word. In the context of Ps. 95,...
"Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his ...
Leviticus is the 3rd book of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and primarily focuses on laws and regulations regarding ritual practices, including sacrifices,...
I agree with Phil Bloom that it should be Isaiah 44:5. The phrase about writing God’s name on their hands symbolizes ownership, devotion, and commitment to...
No, I don't think God expects all people to have children. I was preaching on Genesis 1:28 and/or Psalm 127:3-5 once in a small church in Wisconsin....
Marvelous question, Ma. Bernadette Lavin! Genesis 9:13 says: "I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the...
"Kindness makes a person attractive. If you would win the world, melt it, do not hammer it." - Alexander Maclaren "[Love] 'Is kind'(χρηστεύεται). Only here...
This may be a longer curve to answer the question but, I think that this answers the question in maybe a different point. I wrote this when I was attending...
Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life! No one comes to the father except through me!" This statement in itself creates division in itself between...
To me this is a short answer. Why did David take a census? Because he was checking his power to go into war. You will notice that in the census, it lists how...
A very learned question, Lawrie! I have three remarks about the remnant. 1. Israel’s Failure and the Faithful Few At Mount Sinai, all of Israel accepted God’...
I like Linda’s story and agree with Mr Houdmann’s info. Just want to add two things. I heard the most interesting response to the use of the rosary last week...
Good question, Georg! The "fear" spoken of in Proverbs 9:10 is about reverence, respect, and submission to God's authority—it's the kind of fear that...
Good question, Brother Gregory! James 1:17, a verse I memorized @ Scottsdale Bible Church, says: "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and...
The psalmist compares God to a bird, particularly in Psalm 91:4 ("He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge") and Psalm...
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What is the key to effective prayer?
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What does it mean that love is kind?
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What does the Bible say about hentai? Is looking at hentai / cartoon porn a sin?
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What does the Bible say about healing?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
If the question is referring to Joel 2:32, the term "remnant" refers (as it does elsewhere in Scripture) to a faithful group preserved by God amid judgment...
I took a class (a course) at Dallas Theological Seminary called "Evangelism Explosion," I think it was, and we used as our textbook, James Kennedy's...
David in his anguish, cried out to God, because he trusted him, he called him My Highest Rock, because he knew who God was. It was not his first cry, before...
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What good does the Bible do me?
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What good does the Bible do me?
GEN 1:28b - “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth." God also repeated this to Noah in GEN 9:1. Reading between the lines from these two verses of...
James 2:19 means that demons comprehend that GOD exists and even though they believe, it does not benefit them in order for them to escape the wrath of GOD...
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What does the Bible say about pornography?
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What does the Bible say about pornography?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What does the Bible say about pornography?
James is making the point, as can be seen in the following verses (18, 24, 26), that having faith alone is not enough for righteousness and justification...
The actual verse is Isaiah 44:5. What this verse is projecting is that they will say that they will serve the Lord, they are His. That they will as Jacob did...
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