Two nations my soul detests,
and the third is not even a people:
Those who live in Seir, 1 and the Philistines,
and the foolish people that live in Shechem.
Instruction in understanding and knowledge
I have written in this book,
Jesus son of Eleazar son of Sirach 2 of Jerusalem,
whose mind poured forth wisdom.
Happy are those who concern themselves with these things,
and those who lay them to heart will become wise.
For if they put them into practice, they will be equal to anything,
for the fear 3 of the Lord is their path.
I give you thanks, O Lord and King,
and praise you, O God my Savior.
I give thanks to your name,
for you have been my protector and helper
and have delivered me from destruction
and from the trap laid by a slanderous tongue,
from lips that fabricate lies.
In the face of my adversaries
you have been my helper +M3 and delivered me,
in the greatness of your mercy and of your name,
from grinding teeth about to devour me,
from the hand of those seeking my life,
from the many troubles I endured,