
  1. Ch. 1
  2. Arphaxad Fortifies Ecbatana
  3. Nebuchadnezzar Issues Ultimatum
  4. Arphaxad Is Defeated
  5. Ch. 2
  6. The Expedition against the West
  7. Campaign of Holofernes
  8. Ch. 3
  9. Entreaties for Peace
  10. Ch. 4
  11. Judea on the Alert
  12. Prayer and Penance
  13. Ch. 5
  14. Council against the Israelites
  15. Achior's Report
  16. Ch. 6
  17. Achior Handed over to the Israelites
  18. Ch. 7
  19. The Campaign against Bethulia
  20. The Distress of the Israelites
  21. Ch. 8
  22. The Character of Judith
  23. Judith and the Elders
  1. Ch. 9
  2. The Prayer of Judith
  3. Ch. 10
  4. Judith Prepares to Go to Holofernes
  5. Judith Is Captured
  6. Judith Is Brought before Holofernes
  7. Ch. 11
  8. Judith Explains Her Presence
  9. Ch. 12
  10. Judith as a Guest of Holofernes
  11. Judith Attends Holofernes' Banquet
  12. Ch. 13
  13. Judith Beheads Holofernes
  14. Judith Returns to Bethulia
  15. Ch. 14
  16. Judith's Counsel
  17. Holofernes' Death Is Discovered
  18. Ch. 15
  19. The Assyrians Flee in Panic
  20. The Israelites Celebrate Their Victory
  21. Judith Offers Her Hymn of Praise
  22. Ch. 16
  23. The Renown and Death of Judith