Do not be jealous of the wife of your bosom,
or you will teach her an evil lesson to your own hurt.
Do not give yourself to a woman
and let her trample down your strength.
Do not go near a loose woman,
or you will fall into her snares.
Do not dally with a singing girl,
or you will be caught by her tricks.
Do not look intently at a virgin,
or you may stumble and incur penalties for her.
Do not give yourself to prostitutes,
or you may lose your inheritance.
Do not look around in the streets of a city,
or wander about in its deserted sections.
Turn away your eyes from a shapely woman,
and do not gaze at beauty belonging to another;
many have been seduced by a woman's beauty,
and by it passion is kindled like a fire.
Never dine with another man's wife,
or revel with her at wine;
or your heart may turn aside to her,
and in blood 1 you may be plunged into destruction.