Wisdom of Solomon

  1. Ch. 1
  2. Exhortation to Uprightness
  3. Life as the Ungodly See It
  4. Ch. 2
  5. Error of the Wicked
  6. Ch. 3
  7. The Destiny of the Righteous
  8. The Destiny of the Ungodly
  9. On Childlessness
  10. Ch. 4
  11. The Triumph of the Righteous
  12. The Final Judgment
  13. Ch. 5
  14. The Reward of the Righteous
  15. Ch. 6
  16. Kings Should Seek Wisdom
  17. Description of Wisdom
  18. Ch. 7
  19. Solomon Like Other Mortals
  20. Solomon's Respect for Wisdom
  21. Solomon Prays for Wisdom
  22. The Nature of Wisdom
  23. Ch. 8
  24. Solomon's Love for Wisdom
  25. Wisdom Indispensible to Rulers
  26. Ch. 9
  27. Solomon's Prayer for Wisdom
  28. Ch. 10
  29. The Work of Wisdom from Adam to Moses
  30. Wisdom Led the Israelites out of Egypt
  31. Ch. 11
  32. Wisdom Led the Israelites through the Desert
  33. Punishment of the Wicked
  1. God Is Powerful and Merciful
  2. Ch. 12
  3. The Sins of the Canaanites
  4. God Is Sovereign
  5. God's Lessons for Israel
  6. Ch. 19
  7. The Punishment of the Egyptians
  8. Ch. 13
  9. The Foolishness of Nature Worship
  10. The Foolishness of Idolatry
  11. Ch. 14
  12. Folly of a Navigator Praying to an Idol
  13. The Origin and Evils of Idolatry
  14. Ch. 15
  15. Benefits of Worshiping the True God
  16. The Foolishness of Worshiping Clay Idols
  17. Serpents in the Desert
  18. Ch. 16
  19. Disastrous Storms Strike Egypt
  20. The Israelites Receive Manna
  21. Ch. 17
  22. Terror Strikes the Egyptians at Night
  23. Ch. 18
  24. Light Shines on the Israelites
  25. The Death of the Egyptian Firstborn
  26. Threat of Annihilation in the Desert
  27. Ch. 19
  28. The Red Sea
  29. God Guides and Protects His People
  30. A New Harmony in Nature
  31. Conclusion