Be ashamed of repeating what you hear,
and of betraying secrets.
Then you will show proper shame,
and will find favor with everyone.
Of the following things do not be ashamed,
and do not sin to save face:
Do not be ashamed of the law of the Most High and his covenant,
and of rendering judgment to acquit the ungodly;
of keeping accounts with a partner or with traveling companions,
and of dividing the inheritance of friends;
of accuracy with scales and weights,
and of acquiring much or little;
of profit from dealing with merchants,
and of frequent disciplining of children,
and of drawing blood from the back of a wicked slave.
Where there is an untrustworthy wife, a seal is a good thing;
and where there are many hands, lock things up.
When you make a deposit, be sure it is counted and weighed,
and when you give or receive, put it all in writing.
Do not be ashamed to correct the stupid or foolish
or the aged who are guilty of sexual immorality.
Then you will show your sound training,
and will be approved by all.