Esther Greek

  1. Ch. 11
  2. Mordecai's Dream
  3. Ch. 12
  4. A Plot against the King
  5. Ch. 1
  6. Arataxerxes' Banquet
  7. Dismissal of Queen Vashti
  8. Ch. 2
  9. Esther Becomes Queen
  10. The Plot Discovered
  11. Ch. 3
  12. The Plot Discovered
  13. Mordecai Refuses to Do Obeisance
  14. Decree against the Jews
  15. Ch. 13
  16. The King's Letter
  17. Ch. 4
  18. Mordecai Seeks Esther's Aid
  19. Ch. 13
  20. Mordecai's Prayer
  21. Ch. 14
  22. Esther's Prayer
  1. Ch. 15
  2. Esther Is Received by the King
  3. Ch. 5
  4. Haman's Plot against Mordecai
  5. Ch. 6
  6. Mordecai's Reward from the King
  7. Haman at Esther's Banquet
  8. Ch. 7
  9. Punishment of Haman
  10. Ch. 8
  11. Punishment of Haman
  12. Royal Favor Shown the Jews
  13. Ch. 16
  14. The Decree of Artaxerxes
  15. Ch. 9
  16. Victory of the Jews
  17. The Festival of Purim
  18. Ch. 10
  19. Mordecai's Dream Fulfilled
  20. Ch. 11
  21. Postscript