After him a wise son rose up
who because of him lived in security: 1
Solomon reigned in an age of peace,
because God made all his borders tranquil,
so that he might build a house in his name
and provide a sanctuary to stand forever.
How wise you were when you were young!
You overflowed like the Nile 2 with understanding.
Your influence spread throughout the earth,
and you filled it with proverbs having deep meaning.
Your fame reached to far-off islands,
and you were loved for your peaceful reign.
Your songs, proverbs, and parables,
and the answers you gave astounded the nations.
In the name of the Lord God,
who is called the God of Israel,
you gathered gold like tin
and amassed silver like lead.
But you brought in women to lie at your side,
and through your body you were brought into subjection.
You stained your honor,
and defiled your family line,
so that you brought wrath upon your children,
and they were grieved 3 at your folly,
because the sovereignty was divided
and a rebel kingdom arose out of Ephraim.
But the Lord will never give up his mercy,
or cause any of his works to perish;
he will never blot out the descendants of his chosen one,
or destroy the family line of him who loved him.
So he gave a remnant to Jacob,
and to David a root from his own family.