Why are people told to repent and believe in Jesus when they can't?
If someone said that you must repent and believe in Jesus to be saved, how can a person respond when maybe God disabled, harden the persons heart, or/and pre...
If someone said that you must repent and believe in Jesus to be saved, how can a person respond when maybe God disabled, harden the persons heart, or/and pre...
Hebrews 8:7 - 8
I am not sure if this is the only evidence of having received the Holy Spirit. I have been saved for years but recently heard this preached for the first time.
We know at twelve he was found in the temple teaching, but then there is no reference of the following years until the start of his ministry.
What about feeling joy and laughing when you see criminals get sentenced to prison? Is it wrong? Is it sin?
Proverbs 24:17
Like some Christians get cancer and some don't. How is that fair?
Sometimes I like to let my mine wander and think of other things when singing...it helps me relax, but is it disrespectful?
Philippians 2:12 - 13
I've heard this preached many, many times.
I do not understand why the demon legion begged Jesus not to cast him off to a "distant place" why would it matter? And why would being placed into a herd of...
Mark 5:9 - 17
I have come across teaching that says that humans have no intrinsic worth apart from the fact that as beings created in the image of God there is a sanctity ...
Romans 3:12
I moved into a haunted house in 2007. Yeah I didn't believe in those kind of things either but this spirit what ever it is attached itself to me and physical...
1 Corinthians 11:4
Can change come from ourselves or must it come from God?
Jeremiah 13:1 - 27
Job 40:1 - 24
He had told the Israelites they should not intermarry with other nations.
Numbers 31:1 - 51
Can you provide Bible verses to support your position?
Is it possible that some believers are not elected? Furthermore, can someone make themselves an elected person not by works but by faith?
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