Do you think John 14:1-4 truly refers to heaven/a physical place or refers to intimacy with God?
John 14:23 and John 14:1-4-the words abode and mansion/house are actually the noun form of "abide" in John 15 etc.
John 14:1 - 4
John 14:23 and John 14:1-4-the words abode and mansion/house are actually the noun form of "abide" in John 15 etc.
John 14:1 - 4
If the promise of the saints is 3 score and ten which we consider the promise to God's people which is 70 years old why do some die early?
Psalms 90:10
This is unusual, but my father is gay. I have come out as a Christian to him a year ago, but now he's freaking out about it. He keeps trying to suppress me...
Just wondering if women are called to submit to men,men in the church or their husbands only as some prominent bible teachers seem to believe that the former...
Is there a Church of God's choice for His children? Is the Church the Lord is building practical or just figurative? Is it God's will that His children be ...
Ephesians 4:1 - 6
Nehemiah 10:29
I have heard this expression in many churches.
Shakespeare once wrote," To thine own self be true." Is there a place in the Christian life for knowing oneself ....and how can this be achieved?
What was nailed to the cross?
Colossians 2:14
The first law, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can not be created or destroyed; it can only be redistributed or changed from ...
Paul writes in chapter 3:21-22 that everything belongs to Christians (the church) the world, life, death, the present, & the future. What is meant by ev...
1 Corinthians 3:21
Mormons believe that Jesus and Lucifer were brothers. I am not Mormon and disagree with much of what they profess.
Genesis 1:1 - 31
I cannot find an account in scripture of any prophet or apostle ever healing blindness. They healed all kinds of sickness and even raised people from the dea...
In Genesis I can only find references to Abraham's descendants and Paul seems to make a big thing of the singular descendant.
Galatians 3:16
I will make this short, I was chemically poisoned in 1992 in 1994 i was diagnosed with depression, panic attacks and recently Bipolar. I been fearing death s...
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