What is the curse of the law?
It is written "the law is death". Laws are given to society, not individuals, meaning the law was established for everyone not just me. The "law" by...
It is written "the law is death". Laws are given to society, not individuals, meaning the law was established for everyone not just me. The "law" by...
Michael has written an excellent and fully developed answer to the Law of Liberty. May I just add this one scripture from Gal 5:1-6 "Stand fast therefore in...
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Why do we still have physical death?
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What are appropriate reasons for missing church?
The first of the Dead Sea Scroll discoveries occurred in 1947 in Qumran, a village situated about twenty miles east of Jerusalem on the northwest shore of...
I was wondering if it all comes down to Jesus laying aside all authority in his human form, having stripped himself of all total Godhood having and still was...
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Why (and how) were the private conversations and inner thinking in the Bible documented in the first person?
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Why (and how) were the private conversations and inner thinking in the Bible documented in the first person?
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Is it ever right to lie?
Downloading material has never been easier. With the click of a mouse-or the push of a button on a photocopier or scanner-we can copy and distribute...
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Its important to understand that what the person is feeling and going through is real to them. The pain, frustration, discouragement, loss of hope is genuine...
This world is a battleground. Since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:17-19), the world God created has been in conflict with Him (Romans...
The dictionary states surrender means to yield possession of or power over to another, give up; abandon, as hope. The act of surrendering is giving your life...
Frankly speaking it is only by the Grace of God that the flash could really be put to death. And this is humans major problem. We hold unto our traditional...
If you're a Muslim, you may think Christians believe in three gods. That idea is as blasphemous to Christians as to you.There is one God!Christians believe...
As a Christian, we only believe in one God. There is only one God! •yes, Christians do believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These...
Psalm 147:6: The lord lifts up the humble; he casts the wicked down to the ground.
Mary, like all believers are with The Lord in Heaven. 2 Cor 5:8. If you believe Jesus: John 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die....
As opposed to the blessing, which is grace, the Law is a curse upon all mankind, none of whom can possibly fulfill its requirements. While the Law itself is...
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Is it possible to be a gay Christian?
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What is contemplative spirituality?
We should never assume that we will always have access to a Bible. Especially in the U.S., with the push for "tolerance" of all lifestyle choices, the Bible...
It so easy to blame God. I have done it myself and then I stopped and prayed. What's happened was so obvious that I couldn't believe I hadn't seen it...
According to a speech by John MacArthur, the Islamic prophecy of the end times is that their 'hero' is the Anti-Christ and their 'Second-Coming' is the false...
If someone is an Old Earth Creationist, do they still receive salvation?
Have you ever heard the saying ripe for the picking? Nathaniel didn’t need to witness Jesus healing the blind, raising the dead, feeding the 5000 plus men,...
The scripture stated here is accurate; Jesus is the Son of Man to execute judgment. Basically the Lord Jesus is saying that he fulfilled all the prophecies...
The immutability of God (His quality of not changing) is clearly taught throughout Scripture. For example, in Malachi 3:6 God affirms, 'I the Lord do not...
Foreknowledge Psalms 139:16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect - This whole verse is very obscure, but the “idea” in this expression...
The Catholic church's position is that Mary was taken up to the heaven. However, the Bible does not mention anything about Mary after Jesus's death. All we...
The main difference between Sunnis and Shias lies in their interpretation of the rightful succession of leadership after the death of the prophet Muhammad....
Just to clarify: The "King James Version" is itself, A TRANSLATION, and was, as all subsequent versions, compared to PREVIOUS translations—in the case of the...
My opinion is that humble means having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance or lower (someone) in dignity or importance.
My straightforward answer to this question is, No! The person who commits suicide could have never been a true Christian. His/her whole Christian life was a...
My straightforward answer to this question is, No! The person who commits suicide could have never been a true Christian. His/her whole Christian life was a...
My straightforward answer to this question is, No! The person who commits suicide could have never been a true Christian. His/her whole Christian life was a...
The serenity prayer is attributed to a Protestant theologian named Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971). There are various versions of the serenity prayer floating...
Satan was ignorant, just like the prodigal son thought that his father would give him all of his inheritance to waste knowing fully well that he had...
During the tribulation, Satan'the great counterfeiter"will introduce his own man"a man of lawlessness and a man of perdition (Daniel 11:36-39) who will...
Well, this question remind us to the words of God, "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the...
A name is more than a "name". In Biblical times a person’s name had deep significance and was often an expression of character or destiny. A name meant the...
The Sea stood on twelve bulls, three facing north, three facing west, three facing south and three facing east. The Sea rested on top of them, and their hind...
2 Chronicles 4:4
Postmillennialism is an interpretation of Revelation chapter 20 which sees Christ's second coming as occurring after the "millennium," a golden age or era of...
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