Can an adulteress be forgiven and be happy in a future relationship?
Can an adulteress be forgiven and be happy in a future relationship? We have been sprinkled [with his blood] to free us from a guilty conscience, and our......
Can an adulteress be forgiven and be happy in a future relationship? We have been sprinkled [with his blood] to free us from a guilty conscience, and our......
Remember the words of Jesus in John 8: 1-11. The Pharisees had brought a woman caught in adultery. (I've always wondered where was the man? He would also...
Jesus said He will return. John 14:3 "If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself, so that where I am you may be...
2Timothy 4:7, the Apostle Paul, in one of his epistles to Timothy, he wrote that he had fought a good fight and had kept the faith. He was in his last days...
So.. "feel good Christianity"... let's call it like a "new age church"... basicly means that all that's old--like replacing the old musical instruments with...
2 Tim. 5 "...having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people."
2 Timothy 3:5
The Christian Identity Movement is a name that applies to a variety of different religious cults all identified by racist, anti-Semitic principles. These...
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What are the books of 1 and 2 Maccabees?
To put it bluntly, perfectionism is a hoax. We cannot be perfect! Yet many well-meaning people continue to strive for this unattainable goal. They want to...
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Why are we taught that we would go to heaven when the Bible says that a new earth will be created?
Webster's dictionary defines shyness as "the state of being timid, easily frightened, reserved, bashful, and shrinking from contact with others." For the...
The answer depends on many factors. It isn't so much a "you should/shouldn't" but rather "is it the wisest choice?". #1 How close is the employee/employer...
Prayer can indeed 'change God's mind'. (Luke 18:1-8, Jonah 3:10, Amos 7:1-9) [God does not repent, though, as if his first decision was 'wrong' (Num 23:19)]...
Yes, though it was written targeting Jewish Christians specifically. It was applicable to all Christians (Jewish background or Gentile background), but many...
John 12:39 tells us that verse 40 is a prophecy made by Isaiah (Isaiah 6:10). David states similar in Psalms 69:22-23 In Matthew 13:10-16 the disciples asked...
Assuming this is referring to a messianic jew (ethnically or culturally jewish christian) marrying a gentile christian: Yes! Christians can marry christians...
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How does God's sovereignty and mankind's free will work together in salvation?
Phileo love is from the original Greek meaning a "brotherly love".
The Tabernacle made by Moses after the patterns shown him of heavenly things (Heb. 8:5; 9:23-24) represents a beautiful portrait. The first veil separated...
Joel Osteen and his "type" of preaching.
God does say that His Word never returns void, so all scripture is important. God's love and compassion for me is the written Word of the Old Testament that...
Fairy tale is defined as 1. a narrative of adventures involving fantastic forces and beings (as fairies, wizards, and goblins); and 2. a made up story...
Ask children, “What does God look like?” and their responses usually include: “He is very old, has a long white beard, bushy white hair, and wears a flowing...
40 "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn - and I ...
John 12:40
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Did Jesus collect tithes?
"The Vulgate" is the popular name given to the Latin version of the Bible, a translation usually attributed to Jerome. Before Jerome's time, as the number of...
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Should a Christian consult horoscopes?
God never says, "Thou shalt not have fun, nor shalt thou smile in all thy days." Having a good time is not a sin, but we should pay attention to the...
No, that was coined by Alfred Lord Tennyson.
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What does the bible say about frequent sleeplessness?
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What does the bible say about frequent sleeplessness?
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Why are we taught that we would go to heaven when the Bible says that a new earth will be created?
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What should be done if a husband and wife disagree on tithing / how much to give?
While the Bible nowhere explicitly addresses animal / pet euthanasia, there are definitely some biblical principles that apply. In Genesis 1:26 God declares,...
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Are there different levels of punishment in hell?
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Are many practices and traditions in Christianity actually pagan in origin?
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Is pleading the blood of Jesus biblical?
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Is pleading the blood of Jesus biblical?
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What is the story of the Old Testament?
All good books start with a beginning, the start of a story, building the foundation for the book and grabbing the reader's attention. The word genesis is...
What are presented as pre-human creatures are actually the remains of either primates or humans who lived after the Flood. The post-Flood climate meant that...
Of course not. None of us chose the circumstances of our birth. The sin of Adam was automatically imputed on us without any choice by virtue of our Adamic...
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