Why was Peter also called Simon?
Simon, or Simeon (Mark 1:16; Acts 15:14), was Peter's birth name. (He is also referred to or identified as Simon bar Jonah (meaning "Simon, the son of...
Simon, or Simeon (Mark 1:16; Acts 15:14), was Peter's birth name. (He is also referred to or identified as Simon bar Jonah (meaning "Simon, the son of...
I don't know where to find this in the Bible.
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What does the Bible say about when God will judge us?
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Why is daily prayer important?
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Is there such a thing as a soul mate? Does God have one specific person for you to marry?
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Why is daily prayer important?
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How did Jesus fulfill the meanings of the Jewish feasts?
Biblical creationism is critical to our Christian faith. If you cannot believe the first chapter of the bible why believe the rest? As a research scientist,...
Demons have distinct and unique personalities just like human beings. Remember that neither satan nor his demon spirits are things. Neither should they be...
Most Christians inwardly, if not outwardly, groan when they arrive at a genealogy in their Bible reading. This is a shame. The genealogies are wonderful....
If you read the following vs 9&10 it becomes clear what our Lord is talking about. He is saying that the disciples should not try to or seek to elevate...
While all of the things you mentioned are good things to do, I think the whole passage of 2 Corinthians 9 is speaking of the character and heart intention...
My opinion is that he should remain with the first wife since the following marriges would not count as marriages if he is already married. Then the...
The bible only gives very vague hints as to the nature of the glorified body, most of which are prophecy, therefore given in symbolism (Num 12:6-9, thus...
Is this talking about being generous with time, talent, and resources in order to obtain blessings on Earth? Is it speaking of spiritual generosity in order ...
A map comparing the borders of Canaan, as given in Numbers 34:1-12 and drawn in red on the map, with the modern borders of Israel can be found at the...
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What is the Great Tribulation?
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What is the Great White Throne Judgment?
Zechariah 4:1 - 14
Many times the Bible says God helps them with their unbelief. Unbelieving in what God did for us is why one must be born again (John 3:5). Unbelieving is...
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Was Saint Peter the first Pope?
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There are over 2,300 verses in the bible that talk about "money and material things". God has a lot to say on this subject and we have a lot to learn. I...
Genesis 2:7, says man was formed from dust of the ground, it became a Visible Vessel. Then, God breathed, the breath of life into the vessel, it became the...
In addressing this question I will assume that you are talking about Gentiles before the death of Jesus on the cross. The law of Moses pointed to the...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from Jesus Daily Bible.
It's my understanding that a Jewish custom was that if one was to eat and when finished left a folded napkin, that was an indicator that the meal was not...
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What does it mean to be a living sacrifice?
So Folks have generally said the man should stay with the wives so they would be cared for as poligamy was allowed at certain times in OT and also a response...
The stone was rolled away for a sign to the living that something was amis. Upon closer scrutiny, the body of Christ was missing. Eventually, He appeared to...
Short and simple answer it's found in Genesis 2:7 when God breathed into Adams nostrils "the breath of life" if you look up the Hebrew word for breath it...
If a spouse falls out of love with you, or falls in love with someone else, there usually nothing you can do. You should try to protect your children's...
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Does God still perform miracles?
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Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What is the human soul?
I would say that the Mosaic Law (in all its detail, including both the moral/civil law and the religious/ceremonial law) was given specifically to Israel....
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Who was the Queen of Sheba?
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What are articles of faith?
In 1st Timothy Chapter 2: verses 11-15 clearly lay down and Apostle doctrinal observation. The proposal put forth, about " women out of line " is not...
In 1st Timothy Chapter 2: verses 11-15 clearly lay down and Apostle doctrinal observation. The proposal put forth, about " women out of line " is not...
I agree that, after His resurrection, Jesus was no longer bound by constraints of space or time. However, perhaps the angel came down from heaven and rolled...
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What is the significance of the folded napkin in Christ's tomb after the resurrection?
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What does it mean, "And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once, and after this comes judgment"?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from Jesus Daily Bible.
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What does the Bible say about astrology or the zodiac? Is astrology something a Christian should study?
There is an on-going debate as to whether the Bible is to be interpreted only ultra-literally or if it should be interpreted entirely "spiritually". Until...
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What are some exciting discoveries in biblical archaeology?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
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