How many god(s) does a Biblical Christian believe to exist?
The biblical Christian believes in one true God in three persons. All other so-called gods are not the one true god. The word "god" is very loosely...
The biblical Christian believes in one true God in three persons. All other so-called gods are not the one true god. The word "god" is very loosely...
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What is Christian fanaticism?
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What is the meaning of debauchery?
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How can I get to know God better?
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Where in the Bible is the indisputable statement that says Jesus is God?
I would say a Christian doesn't believe as in trust any god or gods. The very word Christian itself says in whom one puts their trust or belief, Christ....
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What is the New Covenant?
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What is Christian fanaticism?
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Why did the Old Testament Law command against the eating of pork?
As a base know both Catholic Bible versions and Protestant versions of the Bible are the translation of the Hebrew and Greek text of what we call the Old...
I think Catholic people are wonderful people but I'm concerned about following or reading a Bible written by or created by Roman or Roman Catholic theologian...
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Is Mormonism a cult? What do Mormons believe?
John 5:18 tells us: "Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father,...
In a general sense, a prophet is a person who speaks God's truth to others. The English wordprophetcomes from the Greek wordprophetes, which can mean "one...
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Does God expect us to have blind faith?
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Why is Biblical Creationism so important?
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Is salvation by faith alone, or by faith plus works?
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Why are Christians so judgmental?
When John 1:1-5 specifically says that in the beginning, it is saying before creation and that the world was brought into existence by the Word speaking it...
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Are Israel and the church the same thing? Does God still have a plan for Israel?
If the minister or preacher is preaching the true gospel, then he must be preaching offensively against sin. We can see very plainly in the offensiveness of...
This is a fantastic notion that must be completely rejected. However, was Satan a son of God before he fell (under the name Satan-el or a variant)? Job 1:6...
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Are Jesus and Satan brothers?
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I think that the primary consideration with regard to this verse is one's interpretation of "security and protection from harm". This passage cannot (in my...
Honest and diligent students of the Bible, please read and study these scripture citations and parallel texts in context: Matthew 3:1-17, 28:16-20; Acts...
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Why did the Old Testament Law command against the eating of pork?
The Oxford Bible is based upon the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. It furthermore contains deuterocanonical and apocryphal books which are used in the...
One of the most important foundational truths is the security we have in our salvation, which can never be lost. Three general aspects encompass our...
One of the most important foundational truths is the security we have in our salvation, which can never be lost. Three general aspects encompass our...
One of the most important foundational truths is the security we have in our salvation, which can never be lost. Three general aspects encompass our...
One of the most important foundational truths is the security we have in our salvation, which can never be lost. Three general aspects encompass our...
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How can I recover from heartbreak / a broken heart?
How does the “Cambrian Explosion” fit within the framework of young-earth creationism? In my opinion, this is a “disputable opinion” question that is covered...
It is written: (Though shall not temp or test the Lord thy God) Deuteronomy 6:16 Mathew 4:7 Luke 4:12 Snake handling as a spiritual practice is practicing...
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Will we be able to see and know our friends and family members in Heaven?
I think all the responses are valid, however they are a assuming the person is a believer. Consider the person that isn't a believer and is raped. In my...
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What was God doing before He created the universe?
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What does the Bible say about hypocrisy?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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How can we prevent our young people from losing faith?
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How can we know what parts of the Bible apply to us today?
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Why was king David anointed three times, and had to wait for 7 years before being crowned king over Israel?
A fallen man can only be fallen if he rejects Christ. So if you reject Jesus, that could NEVER BE GOOD in GOD'S EYES, and that is the only way the Lord sees...
To me, what this verse is primarily implying is that, as citizens of heaven by faith (even while being on earth), Christians should be vigilant not to behave...
I would say that, in the Old Testament context in which Isaiah was speaking, the "house of Jacob" would be all those descended from Jacob through his twelve...
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