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tom TOm

Prodigal Son
I was a prodigal son.
By His grace, i am back.

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Why did Elijah cover his face with his robe when God was talking to him?

Elijah covered his face when he heard the still small voice because he felt...

Comment 3 More Answers 1 Vote Asked March 16 2024


Why did some of the disciples doubt Jesus even after they touched/handled his body in Matthew 28:17?

When you doubted, yet still obey to go and worship Jesus, isn't that more...

Comment 3 More Answers 1 Vote Asked October 15 2020


Why was Jesus hidden in Egypt?

Two thoughts came to me while i was reading this passage today: 1. This is a...

Comment 5 More Answers 1 Vote Asked July 12 2020


What does the Psalmist mean by saying that he will 'sing to the Lord' all his life?

Singing to the LORD is a privilege He has created us with. He can cause the...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked June 14 2020


Why did Esau marry an Ishmaelite woman?

I think that this is supposed to be an illustration of his character. He...

Comment 2 More Answers 1 Vote Asked May 18 2020


What can we learn from the life of Zachariah?

Circumstances 1. Both Zachariah and Elizabeth were righteous before God - not...

Comment 1 More Answer Asked July 02 2018


Who did the Lord meet and why did He sought to put this person to death?

This question is a result of poor translation. NIV reads: 21 The LORD said to...

Comment 4 More Answers 1 Vote Asked May 03 2018


Why was it that when "God's spirit" came on Saul and his men, it caused them all to prophesy by ranting in gibberish and tearing off their clothes?

The word prophecy here is נָבָא - read as naba'. This is to prophesy under...

Comment Asked February 01 2018


What do the smoking fire pot and the flaming torch symbolize in Genesis 15:17?

1st you need to understand what is happening in this passage. Gen 15:6 - God...

2 Comments 3 More Answers 5 Votes Asked January 29 2018


Why did God use a lying spirit to deceive Ahab?

Actually Ahab has ALREADY CHOSEN not to believe the truth. Didn't I tell you...

1 Comments 5 More Answers 1 Vote Asked January 25 2018


Why does Jesus differentiate the severity of sin against the Holy Spirit as opposed to sin against the Son of Man?

I think the Son of Man here is referring to Jesus' humanity while on earth....

Comment 1 More Answer Asked January 12 2018


Why do we need protection from angels?

I will not be asking "Why do we need the angels to protect?" It was set. This...

Comment 2 More Answers 1 Vote Asked January 01 2018


"Jesus wept" in John 11:35, why did He weep?

I think Jesus was not crying over Lazarus' death. He was surely not sorry for...

Comment 9 More Answers 2 Votes Asked December 09 2017


What did Jesus mean by telling his disciples that "Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours?'

NKJV 11:24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray,...

Comment 3 More Answers Asked November 01 2017