In Daniel 10, who is the Prince of Persia?
In my opinion, the reference to the Prince of Persia was not speaking of an earthly ruler, or even a human being, but pertained to a powerful, evil spiritual...
In my opinion, the reference to the Prince of Persia was not speaking of an earthly ruler, or even a human being, but pertained to a powerful, evil spiritual...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Is there such a thing as an ex-Christian?
Although the New Testament records angels communicating with other individuals (such as Zechariah and Mary) by appearing to them directly, all references to...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 favorites.
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Does a lifelong struggle with a persistent sin mean one was never really saved to begin with?
Previous discussion of this issue on this site has indicated that God imposed such restrictions both to distinguish the Israelites' diet from that of the...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What passages should I quote when tempted?
Leviticus 9:1 - 12:8
In my opinion, mankind is saved by grace alone. Ephesians 2:8 Nothing else is required for salvation, nothing. No amount of works will get you there. One...
This is a very timely question and I humbly submit for your consideration: One could opine that within scripture there is no exact verbiage for ABORTION,...
Judith, good question you asked! I think Paul was speaking of God’s sovereignty, not God’s salvation of everyone. That would be universal salvation or “...
I believe that in Luke 22:36 that Jesus meant exactly what he said. I do NOT agree with any ideas of allegories or symbolism or even parables. I believe we...
God is a relational God and wants to be in relationship with us. The concept of covenant in the Old Testament is the idea of creating or establishing a...
The command written by Matthew quoting Jesus in the Greek is δεῦτε ἀπίσω μου come after me [follow Me], simply means "be My disciples": Matthew 4:19; Mark...
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Does Romans 13 mean that God's authority is fighting God's authority when two countries war with each other?
I would like to cite just 3 NT verses about “Hope in Christ.” Concerning Romans 15:13, Biblical hope is faith in the future tense, and it is the natural...
I can only address the question from my personal experience with the Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod)(LCMS), which has always been a very theologically...
As indicated in the verse cited in the question, when Jesus told people to follow Him, He was not referring to the simple act of trailing after Him, but...
The pupils had bombed their test since they needed otherworldly understanding and responsive hearts. The supernatural occurrence of the portions and fishes...
Matthew 10:2-4 (NLT) - Here are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (also called Peter), then Andrew (Peter’s brother), James (son of Zebedee),...
Although the Bible (and specifically the Old Testament) never speaks (to my knowledge) of abortion in the sense in which it is discussed or practiced today...
Earnest praying is intelligent prayer. The word “earnest” (sophroneo) comes from a term that literally means “be in one’s right mind.” It has the idea of...
What did Jesus mean when he said “follow me”?
Matthew 4:19
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Do we become angels after we die?
I think that earnest prayer doesn’t have to be long, difficult or prayed in a particular ritualistic way, posture has got nothing to do with it. It is how...
My husband recently deserted me for a girl 25 years younger than him. This is the 3rd affair in 33 years of marriage. Through my focus & worship to The L...
Isaiah 54:5
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What is the dispensation of Conscience?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What is the book of James?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Does Mary the mother of Jesus inherit Omnipresence?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What was early Christianity like?
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What was early Christianity like?
In my view Theistic Evolution theories cannot harmonize science with the creation account of the bible. Theistic evolution says that God used billions of...
A "large millstone" is literally, "millstone of a donkey," i.e. a millstone turned by a donkey--far larger and heavier than the small millstones (Mt 24:41)...
Does all the violence, suffering and death in the world mean that God is cruel? What is God's character revealed in the bible? What is his plan and purpose...
First, it occurs to me that some of Jesus' followers (although not specifically chosen as apostles) might have been with Him on a full-time basis with the...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What did it mean for the adulteress to have her 'belly swell' and 'thigh rot away' in Num 5:27?
If the questioner has a specific verse in mind where that particular English phrase is used, the website would contain the Hebrew...
How was it possible for so many people to follow Jesus to hear Him speak and teach if they had jobs?
Matthew 5:1 - 48
It simply means that there exists no possible separation from the Savior (Romans 8:35-39): This entails both life and death (8:35-38a 35 Can anything ever...
My answer is much simpler than the others here and is based on my perception. When I first read the Bible front to back for the first time, I would not say...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What is theistic evolution?
Paul supplicates that God would support the Roman church with perseverance, consolation, and solidarity (Ro 15:5-7. He implores that God will fill the Roman...
The apostle Paul prays, "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so...
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