Should Christians get vaccinated?

(in view of the corona virus).

Clarify (1) Share Report Asked January 08 2021 My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter

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Mini Tim Maas Supporter Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
I believe that previous discussions on ebible.com (prior to COVID-19) have regarded vaccines in general as part of the stewardship by Christians of their God-given bodies and lives that they are expected to exercise, so that they can be of maximum service to Him. 

The fact that vaccines for COVID-19 have been developed and approved makes getting the vaccine (in my view) something that Christians in general should make an active effort to do as part of that stewardship, unless there would be specific individual medical reasons on a person-by-person basis that would somehow gravitate against it.

January 08 2021 1 response Vote Up Share Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate
I heartedly believe Christians should get vaccinated in view of the coronavirus. We are just stewards of our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), they are not our own; they are God’s. We must be faithful stewards, and try to prolong our lives in His will. We must think of others (Phil. 2:3, “don’t look out for your own interests, but also for the interests of others”) 

The New Living Translation has:
“Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.”

The Father of Immunology, Edward Jenner, a genius, went to a lot of trouble (long hours) discovering the vaccine for the deadly small-pox disease during his lifetime (1749-1823), and once he discovered it, to halt it in its tracks, encouraged physicians in England to get vaccinated first themselves, and then thus to persuade others. 

I also think Christians should not only get the 2 shots of the Moderna Vaccine if that's what they started with, and the booster shot which is now available. Exodus 9:13-26 about the plague of hail could be used to support my view. "Those [Egyptians] who paid no attention to the word of the LORD [about 'coming in from the fields to find shelter'] died from the hailstones (Exodus 9:21, 25). I believe the LORD speaks through science. 

We must get as many people as possible vaccinated, in my view. My 2 daughters, my wife, and I have all been fully vaccinated. And we've all been boosted (having received boosters) now as well, which are highly recommended, too! But now since the coronavirus variant, Omicron, is so powerful, even fully vaccinated people are getting sick with it, so they are recommending masking and social distancing which we are doing.

February 02 2021 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini David Green Supporter Baptist deacon and lay preacher who enjoys leading worship.
The simple answer is YES, and a big YES at that. Many Christians use their God-given talents to go into medicine (to treat the sick - they probably pray about their patients as well). Many more go into research science, developing cures for diseases etc.

In my opinion, it’s arrogant for an individual to say "I know better than the experts.”

Come on, people - get real!

April 02 2021 1 response Vote Up Share Report

D2a86c4c 7dbc 4586 964e b30e0ec28c11 Neikka Harlingten Supporter
Absolutely not, not unless you are unable to put all your trust and faith in God. And even then, only after you have fully understood how SARS-cov 2 affects the body, how your immune system responds to it, how the different types of new vaccines respond to it, what are all the potential risks, known and unknown, what are all the potential benefits, how likely is it that your body will respond favourably to it etc etc etc. 

If we walk with God, the bible tells us, He will keep us safe. This gives me 100% confidence and peace of mind; however, the people who are putting all their hope, trust and faith, in a completely new, experimental vaccine that is still in the third stage of clinical trials, which don't end for another two years, don't appear to have the same level of trust, peace of mind and confidence in their saviour as I do mine. This is of course, a mere observation, but I have no fear of the virus, of people or of anything else. I'm taking no chances, I'm putting all of my faith, trust and hope in God, knowing that this is all part of His plan and if I remain faithful to him, despite the world hating me, I will be safe.

April 02 2021 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Emilio 1992 Emo Tenorio Supporter Shomer
That is a good question and I humbly submit that everyone will be mandated to receive any vaccination in this continuing kabuki theater. 
Or risk being declared one of those anti science conspiratorial leapers. 
So just what is the national confidence safety level of these new miracle COVID vaccines today? (2 Corinthians 11:4)

Well a small unreported static on vaccinations just within the MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS group those deemed "1A" first inline for these miracle vaccines. Their national average participation rate is about 50% and in the utopia known as California it's below 40%. (Luke 12:56)

So low in fact that in the San Francisco Bay area, many healthcare workers are refusing to be vaccinated? Causing thousands of doses to be thrown out because of spoilage. This large scale reluctance has led some hospital groups to start offering $300.00 bribes as an incentive. 
When you’re talking about doctors and nurses, $300 maybe is not really going to tempt that many. (Ephesians 5:11)

This is particularly true if they are worried that the vaccines might not just be ineffective, but potentially DANGEROUS to reproduction among other things. How many people will risk their life or their long term health on something they weren’t previously comfortable with for just three Ben Franklins? (Luke 9:24)

Common sense in those who are more skeptical or maybe just paying attention to generally unreported events. (Haggai 1:5-6)
And these heretics might be asking why they should risk their own lives when the papered professionals understanding these things the best aren’t willing to. This general reluctance to be a volunteer lab rat will harm the big pharmaceutical companies bottom line profits. (Luke 8:18)

Oh also in the very small print is this little gem; they can not be sued should your arm fall off or anything else! So these miracle vaccinations will be MANDATED because of their BENJAMIN$....(Habakkuk 1:4)

Freedom or choice you say, consider the last ten months friend, fear does not so funny things to folks. (Ezekiel 33:6; Galatians 4:16)

It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong." ~Voltaire

In the Lord's Freedom and some common sense.....warrior on

January 08 2021 16 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini ainsley chalmers Supporter Medical Research Scientist, devoted family man.
I am saddened about the many conspiracy theories abounding about the covid vaccines and vaccines in general. What is sadder is that many "stories" are perpetrated by Christian leaders. Stories like the vaccines will be used to help reduce the world's population so that an elite may govern the Remnant. To add meat to these stories the names of a dozen or so anti-vaccines doctors are listed and not a whimper of the millions of medicos who strongly believe in the efficacy of vaccines in stopping diseases.

Some of the world's greatest scientists have used their God given talents and inspiration from dawn to dusk to develop these innovative vaccines in record time. Sure there is big bucks for Pharma but how do you put that above the health of humans.

There are side effects with all medical drugs including vaccines. Vaccines have saved the lives of hundreds of millions over the years. For example we rarely hear of diseases like polio and others anymore. The new covid vaccines are a God-given gift to us and we should accordingly avail ourselves of it with gratitude to God and those scientists whom He inspired to develop them.

April 03 2021 7 responses Vote Up Share Report

Tjart3 Thomas Riccardi Supporter Warrior Spirit
I humbly submit that unless you are well informed about vaccines and what is in them, I would say no, do not get vaccinated. I believe that this is the first step toward the mark of the beast where everyone will be REQUIRED or forced to receive it. 

We know that the Bible tells us people were marked in the ancient world for any number of things. For example, runaway slaves or captured soldiers might be branded or tattooed with a mark indicating their status. Because this may cause confusion, I am NOT stating that Maccabees is part of the bible...this is used only as an example of what occurred in Biblical times. Third Maccabees 2:27-29 describes steps taken against Alexandrian Jews, including being branded with an ivy leaf, a symbol of the worship of Dionysus. (See also these posts on “Apostasy in Third Maccabees” and “The Incident with the Elephants.”) 

Whatever the mark is, it represents a final declaration of loyalty. At this point in the plot of Revelation, one is either for God or against him. Do not be fooled or frightened into giving up your salvation.

April 02 2021 6 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Louis White Supporter
For a Christian we must live by faith. But that is faith in Jesus and in the promises of God. 

Each person should do careful and thorough research to come to their own conclusions removing political beliefs as they are based upon feelings not facts.

History is on the side of vaccines, at least until "Big Pharma" decided profit was more important than safety. Anyone who watches TV for more than 30 minutes has seen on or more commercials advertising that you may be owed compensation for x, y or z vaccines and or other medical procedures.

Unfortunately it seems we cannot trust what comes out of those we rely upon such as the CDC as they have capitulated to political pressures. And Fauci, seems to have a personal vested interest in keeping the truth from coming out. 

With that said:
Worldwide now there is sufficient information for one to draw a conclusion upon. Unfortunately the messaging is as clear as mud.

I searched for an answer in the Scriptures and the best I could come up with is the golden rule of putting others before yourself. 

So for me, because I am living in a communal house with those higher in age than my 60+ years, and others who have health conditions that put them at risk, as well as talking with my brother and sister in law who both contracted Covid-19 before any vaccine was available, I decided to get the vaccine at my earliest opportunity. 

Actually, I had signed up for the clinical trials but was not selected. 

Not long after getting the Pfizer vaccine, but out of the so called time-line, I developed blood clots in my right leg. I may never know for sure if that is a result of being less active because of the COVID-19 shutdown, a result of the vaccine, or some other problem.

But I do know this...
I took the vaccine to protect others not myself. With that in mind, I have no regrets on doing so.

Each person should evaluate their own case and make their decisions based upon their situation. I do not believe it should be mandatory at this time for two reasons.:
1. It is still to early to tell if the effectiveness is worth any potential risk, especially since treatment is available and if given has a very high rate of survival. 
2. Absent any Biblical scripture, I don't think anyone or even the government should force someone to take a vaccine that is still highly questionable.

August 25 2021 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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