Why do so many of us still struggle with temptation and desires to sin if we're not controlled by our sinful nature anymore?
Romans 8:9
Psalms 42:1 - 11
Most translations put this as "little flock". Why did Jesus not just say "my flock"? Was Jesus trying to get a point across by using "little"?
Luke 12:32
The word neighbor is listed many times in the Bible, but there is no description as to what it means. Jesus said to love thy neighbor as thyself is the seco...
Matthew 22:39
I know the word says He will fight those that go against us, but it doesn't seem like it because too often evil get away with their plot. It seems the wicked...
Would it be that Moses smote the rock rather than spake to it?
Numbers 20:18 - 21
If God allows this to happen in a persons life do they have a way out like, repent asking for forgiveness. because there is only one unforgeable sin.
Romans 1:28
Why is it important to make the distinction of time?
Matthew 1:17
What exactly are the origins and the purpose (besides the physical benefit) of yoga? I have heard that yoga can open Christians up to spiritual dangers. Why ...
How did they communicate with them?
Leviticus 26:40 - 42
I am a Christian. I love my Lord and in your knowledge of the Bible. If I walk with God and live the life that would please the Father, and I love Jesus and...
Did God the Father, and the Holy Spirit forsake Jesus?
Matthew 27:46
I notice many in the church do not know scripture. Nor do they open the bible. After carefully questioning many who love God, I find that people don't have ...
If we believe the story of creation, then the world was recreated through incest in the strict interpretation of the word. If all mankind stemmed from Adam a...
Leviticus 18:1 - 30
The Bible speaks in several places of our being in Christ. Where, exactly, does the Bible tell us how to be in Christ?
How can a spouse be sanctified through his wife? Isn't it an individual choice? In line with it, it sounds like children are also made holy in God's eyes thr...
1 Corinthians 7:14
I am a fairly young newlywed. I agree that wives should submit to their husbands within the context in which it was originally intended. What about wives sub...
We believe in one God but we often pray to the Father, the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
What is the role of satan during this time (BC)? Sounds like he works with God, but I believe he is the bad guy?
Job 2:1 - 11
Matthew 9:3
The phrase in 2 Corinthians 6:14 is often explained as "do not be yoked with unbelievers". Yet, there's a difference between "do not be unequally yoked" vs. ...
2 Corinthians 6:14
For the past few months I have been wondering what my life will be like. Like when will I get married if I will at all. Or will I be single and continue to d...
Jesus says in Matthew 19:17 no one is good but God alone and if we are to enter into eternal life we have to keep the commandments.
Matthew 19:17
In what ways, when, what does he teach us?
1 John 2:27
Ezekiel's prophecy in Ezekiel 29 predicts 40 years of utter desolation and an Egyptian exile. By all accounts there is no historical or archaeological eviden...
Ezekiel 29:1 - 21
Where did the woman come from that Cain married? If Cain was the third person on the earth a son of Adam and Eve where did other people come from?
Genesis 4:1 - 26
Is it because faith comes from believing in Jesus?
Hebrews 4:1 - 16
I am a believer in Christ but in the past few days I have committed some sins can God forgive me even then?
Many people look at God as some type of Grandpa. They really think that because He has so many standards He can't relate to us. I remember thinking to myself...
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