When did God "shape" Earth into a sphere, as Genesis 1:2 said it was without form?
Genesis 1:2
Didn't the disciples go through Israel and evangelize? Jesus hasn't returned yet.
Matthew 10:23
If he did, why did he choose agony over love?
Genesis 1:1 - 31
What are some good Bible verses for raising self-esteem?
If so, will God take this into consideration when he renders his judgement to us on Judgement Day?
Peter denied the Lord three times. Saul had Christians executed. James and John were hot tempered. Can we still trust the teachings of the apostles even if t...
I just have a hard time fully believing in the story of Noah having to get 2 of every animal and God flooding the Earth. So did Noah just gather the animals...
I often wonder if I'm following Christ the correct way or if I'm just making myself frustrated. I know Jesus said if you love me you will keep my commandment...
Can we still trust the teachings of the scribes and the Pharisees even Jesus hate them so much?
Matthew 23:2 - 3
If the shroud of Turin was authentic that was found and thought to be that in which Jesus was buried.
Basically, are the two Gospel passages Mark 8:36 and Matthew 4:8-10 directly connected or related to each other? For what shall it profit a man, if he sha...
Mark 8:36
Is Paul giving an example of a certain point in someone's life that there is no longer a hope of Salvation for them?
2 Thessalonians 2:10 - 12
Which ones were passed down by word of mouth, and which ones were passed down by letter?
2 Thessalonians 2:15
One of my friends said one day when she got home from church that her preacher said that we will see some of our loved ones go to Hell at the time of the end...
Obviously, the "burning in the bosom" experience is not enough proof. Is there some other type of “spiritual” experience needed to confirm that it is the Hol...
God hates sins. Jesus died on the cross to take our sins, as a sacrifice. This way, we would appear sinless in front of God, and can have eternal life (if ...
John 3:16
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will s...
Matthew 7:21 - 23
"Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." How few is few? 100, 50, 10, 1? Does this mean...
Matthew 7:14
Presenting to you the verse Colossians 4:16, “After this letter has been read to your people, be sure to have it read in the church at Laodicea. And you s...
Colossians 4:16
I cannot find the word "alone".
2 Timothy 3:16 - 17
Another article said that we don't honor the Sabbath as a Sunday because of the accordance with the "7th day" but rather to celebrate the resurrection.
Matthew's genealogy states Rahab as the mother of Boaz and the ancestress of David, and ultimately of Jesus Christ. Was this fact known among the Israelites ...
Matthew 1:5
Does the verse simply mean that the wake was still continuing by custom so Jesus joined with them for some kind of "weeping and wailing" tradition- before th...
John 11:35
Could He have been referring to the saved souls in Abraham' Bosom? I have lately been wondering about the other sheep. It seems logical to me that Jesus was...
John 10:16
What will happen when Jesus returns? Where will we go? How will we know where to go and what to do? Who will go to the Judgement Seat of Christ, and who will...
There is an undeniable emotional/spiritual power that some Charismatics possess and, especially in their worship services, even non-Charismatics and non-beli...
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