ESV - 37 The firstborn bore a son and called his name Moab. He is the father of the Moabites to this day.
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They were conquered in 582 BC by the Babylonians. The Jordanians today may be descended from them.
Noldeke says that the extinction of the Moabites was about A.D. 200, at the time when the Yemen tribes Galib and Gassara entered the eastern districts of the Jordan. Since A.D. 536 the last trace of the name Moab, which lingered in the town of Kir-moab, has given place to Kerak, its modern name. Over the whole region are scattered many ruins of ancient cities; and while the country is almost bare of larger vegetation, it is still a rich pasture-ground, with occasional fields of grain. The land thus gives evidence of its former wealth and power. --ED = Editor = H. Porter
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