Why were Michael and Satan disputing over the body of Moses?
Apparently this took place after the death of Moses. The devil had the power of death until Christ conquered him on the cross (Col. 2:14- 17 Heb. 2:14- 15...
Apparently this took place after the death of Moses. The devil had the power of death until Christ conquered him on the cross (Col. 2:14- 17 Heb. 2:14- 15...
I understand that the "second chance" S. Michael Houdmann is writing about is forgiving someone and giving them a second chance. About a year ago I brought a...
50 Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does [p]the perishable inherit [q]the imperishable. 51 Behold, I tel...
1 Corinthians 15:50 - 54
Leaven is always used for a type of sin everywhere else in scripture and I believe it is the same here. Examples are: Exodus 12:15 where the leaven is...
The "spirits in prison" are mentioned in the context of what Jesus did in the time between His death and resurrection. First Peter 3:18-20 says, "He was put...
To have a good understanding of the book of Revelation, some background information is essential. God inspired the Apostle John to write the book at that...
It really depends on who did the divorcing. I believe that a follower of Christ cannot divorce for any reason. When Jesus was asked if a man can divorce for...
2 Timothy 3:13-14 really elaborates on the end times that we are living in. It states that evil men will wax worse and worse, being deceived and deceiving...
Recycling involves processing materials into new products to avoid wasting the raw materials. Recycling cuts down on water pollution due to drainage from...
The Bible reveals many types of prayers and employs a variety of words to describe the practice. For example, 1 Timothy 2:1 says, "First of all, then, I urge...
Ashtaroth (plural) or Ashtoreth (singular), a goddess of sexual passion and fertility (the Canaanites' principal female deity who was supposedly embodied in...
The movie, like many other movies, is based on true biblical story. There are scenes which might be difficult to accurately present. Overall, the passion of...
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Are there punctuation errors in the Bible?
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Why were Michael and Satan disputing over the body of Moses?
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What is the connection between prayer and fasting?
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Why were Michael and Satan disputing over the body of Moses?
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Why were Michael and Satan disputing over the body of Moses?
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What does it mean that Jesus fulfilled the law, but did not abolish it?
Romans 5:12 says, "..., because all sinned." This is true for two reasons. 1. We were all there when Adam sinned. In Hebrews 7:9-10 we find that Levi paid...
Isaiah 58:4-11 really gets to the real purpose (heart of the matter) of a fast to me: "Is this not the fast which I choose, to loosen the bonds of...
In 2005, in protest of the Kansas State Board of Education's decision to require the teaching of Intelligent Design in addition to Darwinian evolution, Bobby...
Do I have to wait, or can I ask for forgiveness right away?
Christian ministry is to love God with all your heart, mind and strength and love your neighbor as Jesus loved all men giving his life in order that we might...
Acts 19:8 And he went into the synagogue, and spake boldly for the space of three months, disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God....
The verse gives us better understanding if we observe that that there is an error in punctuation. The way the modern translations have put it contractdict...
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Why are so many young people falling away from the faith?
How can you give cheerfully? It must be something that motivates an inward concern about the need of the less privileged have or a deep understanding of what...
That depends on which Second Chance you mean. If you're talking about giving another person a second chance, then S. Michael Houdmann's answer is sufficient....
The bible tells us the heart is evil above all things mark7:21. By renewing our minds Ephesians 4:23 our darkened hearts (from years of livening contrary to...
Judges 4:4 says, "Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time." This is a biblical example of when a woman had higher post...
I totally agree (100%) with the answer given. I just wanted to point out a couple of things. Yes, we should offer our bodies as a daily living sacrifice to...
The Bible states clearly that Gentiles on accepting Messiah Yeshua, becomes part of the family of God, we are no longer children estranged from their...
Material success or prosperity per se is not unbiblical so long as the means by which it is acquired is godly. There is absolutely nothing wrong with God's...
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Does God know the future?
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Why did Jesus say to Peter, 'Get behind me Satan'?
Quirinius' census has been a point of controversy among biblical scholars and skeptics for centuries. History tells us that Caesar Augustus reigned over the...
Each dispensation has a God-ordained responsibility, stewards (people commanded to fulfill that responsibility), a failure on mankind's part, God's judgment,...
What are the benefits or advantages to going to a Bible college? Does a Bible college environment offer more opportunities and rewards than a secular...
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What are the spiritual gifts of the 'word of wisdom' and the 'word of knowledge'?
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What is the gift of speaking in tongues?
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How do I receive forgiveness from God?
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How does 2 Thessalonians 3:10 relate to Christians living off of the public safety net (social welfare)?
You must understand that Paradise, according to the Bible is a perfect place. God who is holy is at the centre of Paradise and no sinner can enter there...
There will be two distinct groups occupying the Earth during the millennial kingdom"those with glorified bodies, and those with earthly bodies who lived...
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