Do church traditions (ie: sacraments) offend God?
Church traditions and sacraments are not synonymous unless the sacrament in question is based on a church tradition that is not taught or implied in...
Church traditions and sacraments are not synonymous unless the sacrament in question is based on a church tradition that is not taught or implied in...
By sacraments, I am assuming that we are referring to baptism, confirmation, penance, communion, marriage, last rites, and holy orders. The Bible speaks of...
We were all God's children until the fall in the Garden. Then sin (evil) came Into being and two paths developed. The narrow one that leads to eternal life...
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How is the Christian religion different from all the other world religions?
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How can I overcome the fear of death? How can I stop being scared of dying?
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Why are both Jesus and Satan referred to as the morning star?
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How can I overcome the pain of betrayal?
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I would like to show from history where and who changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Many do not know that it was not Jesus or his disciples who...
In my humble opinion the simple answer is that when God directs a thing to be done in a certain way He will provide that which is needed (often against...
A number of organizations, including the Christian Research Institute, maintain that the fossil record contradicts, rather than supports the multi-million...
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What does it mean to be a prophet today?
You must remember that even the devil and demons believe in God and Jesus Christ and they are not saved. Your good works are a direct response to the change...
"What is the age of accountability?" “Is it in Scripture?” The answer will surprise many! Some believe that it is thirteen, yet the only Scriptural basis for...
A few responses here mention an "age of accountability." This is the correct direction to head in answering your question as the parents' faith has nothing...
I do not think you should divorce him, rather be the godly wife and intercede for him. The Lord himself will meet him at the point of his needs and bring...
The term theosis has two meanings, "the condition or the state of deity" and "the deification of man." Only God has the condition of deity in and of Himself....
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Did we all inherit sin from Adam and Eve?
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Do Christians still have the gifts of the Spirit today, such as, speaking in tongues and healing?
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin [is] a reproach to any people.... America's system of government is different from any other in...
Yes the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still in operation today. To say they are not would make the scripture to none effect. We have to take the word for what...
Considering the size of the Tabernacle complex (150 ft. x 75 ft.), how were the priests able to handle the volume of daily sacrifices likely for a congregati...
Exodus 27:9 - 15
Marriage is sacred in God's eyes. The Lord knows man needs a companion to be happy. He created woman to fill this need. "Therefore a man shall leave his...
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Will Muslims go to heaven?
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Why does God allow us to go through trials and tribulations?
I happen to belong to the school of thought that believes that God is still healing his people today according to these scriptures which have not lost their...
Is it true that there are around 613 laws that have been found in the Old Testament that were created from God's original 10 commandments?
A person that worships in Spirit and Truth worships fully. To only worship in truth is like a pharisee. You know the rules, you just don't know to apply them...
NO, that is definitely not a biblical reason to divorce your husband. I know, from personal experience, that the best thing to do is to continue praying for...
I believe the Bible teaches that the disciples received revelation on a "need to know basis". Yes Christ told them on more than one occasion that he would be...
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How should a Christian view politics?
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Why do we worship and do Sabbath on Sunday instead of Saturday?
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Is it spiritually right or wrong for married couple to use sex toys during sex?
There are so many verses that explain what Paul meant by saying "absent from the body". There are so many verses that explain the parable of the rich man and...
Matthew 7:22,23: "Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?' Then...
I have seen comments from other sources that are not Christian that state the Bible teaches cannibalism. Such a notion is ridiculous. Jesus said, "Take eat,...
It doesn't matter if God himself shouted from heaven what day the Sabbath should land on. "A man convinced against his will, will be of the same opinion...
Muslims will clearly not go to heaven because they are not saved. John 14:6 tells us that Jesus is "the way, the truth, and the life." "No man can come unto...
Romans 2:11 says: "For there is no respect of persons with God." God will judge each person according to his/her works (Romans 2:6). Each person will have to...
Christians WILL be tolerant (not should) because their Savior was and is tolerant. "In fact, God is patient, because he wants everyone to turn from sin and...
Hi everyone reading. It is very sad indeed reading some of the arguments given here concerning the sabbath. I want to point out that God's seventh day...
Question: "Can the parents faith in Christ save a baby that dies?" In John 1:11-13 we read: "He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many...
Know that the bible is true. It is not a book of science, but wherever we can test science mentioned in the Bible it proves correct. String theory adds more...
Two passages in the New Testament are typically used to discuss what is sometimes called "the gift of celibacy." The first is Matthew 19:9-12, "'I tell you...
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