What did Jesus mean when He said that we should forgive others seventy times seven?
It means, always have a soft and loving heart, and always be ready to forgive. You can never forgive enough! Just as the lords prayer says " forgive us our...
It means, always have a soft and loving heart, and always be ready to forgive. You can never forgive enough! Just as the lords prayer says " forgive us our...
We judge others by living the life Jesus taught us to live and by bringing his word to others when needed, they are judged on your life and the word you...
I agree with Michael. In addition, John 3:13 states that no man has ascended up to heaven except He that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is...
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Should we raise our hands/clap our hands during worship?
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Why should I (a Mormon) consider becoming a Christian?
As answered above, yes this is a pagan holiday, but the difference between this holiday and others such as Christmas, is this holiday was specifically...
James 1 2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations (trials and tests); 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh...
If we personally believe that God is being mocked in a film, or that a film is ignoble or contrary to the gospel, then there are several things we can do:...
The gospel message should be spread to all mankind, including satanists. Those who believe join the church of God as part of the body of Christ. However, I...
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I am a Catholic. Why should I consider becoming a Christian?
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Does the Bible promote or prohibit praying to angels?
Shalom The Lord came to save and redeem sinners, not to redeem customs and traditions of men, especially not as Nathan Toranga has stated those things which...
Yes I believe Jesus could have refused to be crucified. He knew what he was waiting for on the other side. He knew what his mission was and was willing to...
Is having a new physical body better than staying as a spirit?
Only God can judge another person, your job is to judge yourself not other from Gods word. If you see someone doing something that you don't think that is...
Satan! At the hands of people who let him into their hearts. The gospel of John chapter 8 verses 37-47 explains how they wanted to kill jesus because the the...
Because Jesus came with love and wanted to save lives not destroy them. James and john wanted to go in hard, Jesus had more compassion. Just like when peter...
To suffer for Christ sounds like a burden but its the opposite to what you think. Jesus said in Matthew 11 verses 28-30 come unto me, all you that labour and...
The Bible talks a lot about suffering for the sake of Christ. In the era in which the New Testament was written, followers of Jesus were often ostracized by...
If we truly follow Christ we will suffer. For our hearts are full of sin. We have to start with ourselves, by denying the hardness, cruelty, spitefulness,...
To "enable" sin is to embolden someone to continue in sin, to empower his ability to sin, or to make it easier for him to sin. In our stand for...
To fall from Grace, is to fall from the favour of God by living our lives without him involved and pleasing ourselves first. Therefore making it impossible...
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What is Taize worship, and is it biblical?
Can past life experiences be explained by demonic activity? Because demons are spirits which have lived through the ages, they are aware of things that...
Whether with romantic interests, family, community, or with other believers? How can we recognize when a relationship is unhealthy, and leave while still ac...
1 Samuel 19:9 - 10
This is a precious question. When I think of all the beauty in store for those that press through the muck and mire of this life to attain Jesus, it is so...
How does one accomplish this? How do you clean your hands from wrath? Doubt?
1 Timothy 2:8
We don't know exactly why Jesus wrote on the ground during the episode of the woman caught in adultery, but many have surmised that Jesus was referring to...
Whoever this question is for I'm sorry they are going through this! At some point in time though we all mess up in marriage. Sometimes we need to just grow...
First let me say I just saw that movie for the first time last week and it was really boring. I have to say I'm not sure which parts made you think about...
God bless you I really agree with you. My husband and I are called to be Evangelist operating in the prophets ministry. The Lord has been showing us and...
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What does it mean to 'fall from grace'?
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Should Christians celebrate Christmas?
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Is "Sola Scriptura" ("Bible alone") biblical?
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What is the right religion for me?
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What does the Bible mean that we are not to judge others?
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What does it mean to love your neighbor as you love yourself?
In my humble opinion, this can be potentially resolved by a look at what God says in Genesis 15:13. In it, God promises Abraham that his descendants would be...
I am writing not to disagree in any way with any other responses for it's more like I'm sharing what I have felt in my spirit for some time on this matter of...
Transcendentalism is a philosophy that says that our knowledge of reality comes from an analysis of our own thought processes, rather than from scientific...
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