What are some Old Testament places as types?
A type is an Old Testament institution, person, place or event regarded as anticipating the person of Jesus Christ or some aspect of the Christian faith or l...
Hebrews 4:8 - 11
A type is an Old Testament institution, person, place or event regarded as anticipating the person of Jesus Christ or some aspect of the Christian faith or l...
Hebrews 4:8 - 11
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What does the Bible say about music in heaven?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Where is Jesus now? Is Jesus in heaven?
Under the Old Covenant pigs were considered as unclean and were forbidden to be eaten by the Israelites; however the Holy Spirit in Acts 10:9-15 used what...
In my opinion the Sovereignty of God and the freewill of mankind are two different things. Sovereignty speaks of power and authority. When it comes to the...
When considering the laws that were written in the Old Testament, one must pay attention to the type of law it is. There were moral laws, dietary laws and...
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How do God's sovereignty and mankind's free will relate in regards to salvation?
Salvation is not something we do, not even by our giving our life to Jesus or making a commitment to Him, but is something Jesus did for us. The gospel....
I am looking for a book my pastor did a series on. He has since passed away. Poland was offered as an explanation for "the fatal wound". 1) The country was...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.
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Is speaking in tongues evidence for having the Holy Spirit?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What does the Bible say about cancer?
It's fairly simple - God does not interfere in the choices that men make (as allowed by His sovereignty), and it would be consistent that He does not...
The topic of dietary restrictions upon Christians is not a new one. Jesus, being an observant Jew adhered to Jewish Law so that He could be the perfect...
In addition to everything that was said in answering your question, “kiss” is an expression of intimacy, and both righteousness and peace are intimately...
I believe the Word of God has an answer for all we ask of HIM. Two scriptures come to mind for controlling our thoughts: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says "For...
Aside from the comments already made, the question reminded me of C. S. Lewis' perspective about what a Christian should do in regard to God's command to...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Why, despite giving my life to Christ and praying, I still feel I do not know if I am saved or not?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What does it mean that God is transcendent?
I would like to share this scripture, 2Timothy 2:4: "No soldier in active service entangled himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please...
Rejoice and be glad. Let your face not be abashed for you are surely saved! Do not allow the devil to sow the seeds of doubt in your mind for he is very...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What did Jesus mean when He said 'It is finished'?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Why is living together before marriage considered living in sin?
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Is it possible to love a person without liking that person?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Is it possible to love a person without liking that person?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Why, despite giving my life to Christ and praying, I still feel I do not know if I am saved or not?
All of the answers are wonderful. I would like to add that in Genesis 1:26,"Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;..." Who...
Although the verse cited in the question uses the word "God" (rather than "Jesus") in describing the object of the person's professed love, I would say that,...
I wondered this for quite some time too. Then two years ago I took a class trip with my my then 8th grade son. The Ark Encounter was on of the places we...
I smoked for 47 years. Didn't want to quit. AT ALL. I enjoyed it. One morning I went out to have a smoke and it tasted awful. It was as if God said, "You're...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What should we learn from the life of James, the brother of Jesus?
Great question in the light of 2 Peter 3:4 and https://ebible.com/questions/21040-will-the-earth-abide-forever-or-will-it-be-destroyed-psalm-104-5! -- see...
I believe the most important thing is to share the word of God with her, if you have not done so. I believe that conviction comes by way of the Holy Spirit....
At our church, we had an influx of Christians who left another church because they were practicing such things as "soaking prayer", sitting in dark rooms,...
I would say, first, that, although Solomon's words in the book of Proverbs were divinely inspired, the speaker of the words quoted in the question was not...
These items (which God had originally commanded in Exodus 28 to be made for Moses' brother Aaron, who was to be the first individual in the hereditary line...
There are references even in the Old Testament, in verses such as Psalm 34:7 and Psalm 91:11 (a verse that Satan even quoted to Jesus in tempting Him to cast...
Matthew 18:10
Idolatry is believing in anything else but Jesus work on the cross can save us. It is Jesus plus something else. What ever that else is can not save us....
To better understand Revelation 20:14, a little context might be useful. The saved who died in Christ will be raised in the first resurrection, during Jesus'...
Proverbs 1:33 33but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm." New International Version , Copyright 2011-2019 Biblica
Bases for trust in God We can trust His power and strength (2Timothy 1:12. Compare Psalm 9:9f). We can trust in His lovingkindness (His unbreakable or...
One modern form of particularly abominable idolatry can be found in dictatorships, especially in Third World countries. This form involves idolizing a...
Ephesians 6:18
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Why should we bless our enemies as instructed in 1 Peter 3:9?
Trust in anything is based on either the authority of it, or its record of reliability. God is worthy of our trust for both of those reasons. First, He is...
One interpretation that I have seen regarding the significance of the three specific temptations that were recorded as being presented to Jesus is that each...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What was the meaning and purpose of Jesus' temptations?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.
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Why does God allow Satan to attack us?
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