How can 1 John 4:15 be true about anyone acknowledging that Jesus is the Son of God would be indwelt by God when the demons did just that in Matthew 8:29?
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What does the "yoke of slavery" refer to in Galatians 5:1?
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Did Satan appear physically to tempt Jesus, or did he only appear in Jesus' mind?
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Why does the Catholic church display a cross with Christ impaled upon it?
Satan is a Hebrew noun meaning accuser or adversary. So, it can be very well understood: the job of satan is to test and for that, the one has to be expert...
To me, there were four particularly prominent instances with respect to the unbelief or lack of faith of Jesus' apostles or disciples recorded in the...
The bible clearly states we walk by faith, not by sight. Identity crisis and material hankering triggers unbelief. However, since belief in the lord is not a...
I believe one as a human being is not holy because of what ones does, but because of what one is in Christ - forgiven - holy and blameless in his...
Lucifer has many names in which the Bible refers to him by. These are some: Liar, deciever, accuser, Prince of the air, serpent, Baal, Beelzebub and of...
The Parable of the Ten Minas found in Luke 19:12-27 deals with Christ’s true servants and His enemies. In the parable the ruler is Jesus, and His enemies are...
Satan (Job 1:6-9; Matt. 4:10) The title “Satan” occurs 53 times in 47 verses in the Bible. The Greek word is satanas and the Hebrew is satan. The primary...
As Jesus Himself said in Matthew 24:36, the exact date of His return (and thus of the close of the present age) was not known even to Him (in His earthly...
For the purpose of examination, let's suppose silent prayer to be "unbiblical." Does that make silent prayer sin? Jesus said we were to not be ashamed of our...
A very timely inquiry during these perilous times and I humbly submit an opinion for your consideration. Consider for just a moment that most of the...
Let’s take a look at what the bible tells us about plagues (like coronavirus) and demonic activity. First, we read about demonic activity in the book of Job....
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Who are 'the cloud of witnesses' mentioned in Hebrews 12:1?
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Did the Bible copy some of its stories from other religious myths and legends?
The lord is beyond intelligence. However, the lord does not mind to get bound by intelligence for the one who is in complete devotion. This is for your own...
At the end of the present Church Age, there will be the great tribulation followed by the second coming of Christ. Jesus in Matthew 24:29-30 states, “...
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Will more people go to heaven or to hell?
Yes, there is meekness, gentleness, and mercy in Christ for those who humbly recognize their need of a Savior from sin, and who put their faith in Him for...
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Why does the Catholic church display a cross with Christ impaled upon it?
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Why does the Catholic church display a cross with Christ impaled upon it?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.
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How are predestination and election connected with foreknowledge?
We can experience intimacy with God by following Jesus, which means to keep His commandments. What are His commandments? Love squared. His commandments are...
Arrow prayers are short prayers that one sends up to heaven at any time and any place. The best ones are just a few words in length like, "Lord save me!"...
I take it figuratively. Paul, as a Roman citizen, would not have been set to fight with beasts in the arena; and such an incident would not have been likely...
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What is the Christian perspective on Goth? How should Christians view the Gothic movement?
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What is the New Age movement?
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What is the Charismatic movement?
The millennium is the thousand-year reign of Christ with His saints in heaven - it takes place between the first and second resurrections (Rev 20:1-7. During...
I would say, first, that, in order to have a sound basis for understanding if a teaching of Jesus remains applicable today, one should make an effort to...
The cross is a reminder of what scriptures tell us if we are true followers of Christ. And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My...
I can give testimony to answer this question. In March of 2014 I needed emergency open heart surgery. I had a 6cm aneurysm that was about to dissect and my...
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Why do Christians try to impose their values on others?
Jesus had a human soul and spirit (Matt. 26:38; Luke 23:46). So, He had a soul (Matthew 26:38 pp Mark 14:34 See also Isaiah 53:11). He was hungry Matthew...
I need help in understanding the two words, millennialism and tribulation. Are they one and the same or do they involve different scripture?
Four year old Colton Burpo nearly died on an operating table in 2010 but survives. A year later he tells his dad that he saw "Pops" (his grandfather) in...
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Why does the Catholic Church pray to Mother Mary?
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Do the souls of aborted babies go to heaven?
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Does The Harbinger really predict America's future?
The beast that came out of the land represents the United states of America. I think others clearly described it. But the two horns do not represent the...
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What is a concubine? Why did God allow men to have concubines in the Bible?
It should be noted that Revelation is a book of symbols and taking things literally can get confusing and counterproductive. First, the tribes mentioned in...
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Will more people go to heaven or to hell?
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