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Is it a sin to receive communion without first going to confession?
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Is it a sin to receive communion without first going to confession?
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What is the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture? What does it mean that the Bible is sufficient?
I believe Satan has twisted or altered everything good that God has made. So if all styles of music is proper, why has there never been a baby lullaby been...
We all know True Biblical Christians and are acquainted with none believers. Study both groups and you answer will be very apparent. The non believing are...
I am glad this topic has come up because there are a lot of versions. In revelations 22:18-19, God gives us warning not to add or take away-sad to say...
A person first becomes a Christian through hearing the gospel, the good news of our salvation through Jesus' death and resurrection. He hears this good news...
you know that the holy spirit is in you, when you see your sin before you. You have a feeling that you are being held back when you are going to sin. You may...
I wonder about this every day. Being raised in a heathen home with drugs and alcohol, had no idea of God. Until I read "The Late Great Planet Earth" which...
It is very clear for the Scripture John 19:25-26 that it was only Mary the mother of Jesus, His mothers sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, Mary Magdalene and...
Well when my mom met my dad, he was a non believer.Even though his family had some what of a catholic background, he wasn't one to take part in worship or...
I shudder to see people spend such great energies trying to wrest Scripture. Yes, without obeying Scripture, there's no salvation. The bible clearly and...
I shudder to see people spend such great energies trying to wrest Scripture. Yes, without obeying Scripture, there's no salvation. The bible clearly and...
Without obeying Scripture, there's no salvation. The bible clearly and directly teaches that without baptism, and the general obedience that follows hearing...
I shudder to see people spend such great energies trying to wrest Scripture. Yes, without obeying Scripture, there's no salvation. The bible clearly and...
Yes, without obeying Scripture, there's no salvation. The bible clearly and directly teaches that without baptism, and the general obedience that follows...
I shudder to see people spend such great energies trying to wrest Scripture. Yes, without obeying Scripture, there's no salvation. The bible clearly and...
But if it does happen marriage between a believer and unbeliever (and it will) Paul's guidelines and the Apostle Paul specifically states "I say this (I, not...
Yes, and I believe most illnesses come as a result of the foods we consume. Daniel's diet is different from the way most people eat. The enemy is the master...
I had children with a non-believer before I got baptized. Do I marry him? We have been together for 22 years, live in the same house and We have two boys....
Not only can "born of water" refer to spiritual cleansing and renewal but it could also be linked to the idea of "born from above." In Greek, the word for...
That brother (A) is close to the brother (B) whom I am courting. B also knew that A has confessed to me before. Who should be the suitable one to tell A that...
I know that the men that were numbered still have their given name, but what is the point in numbering them?
Numbers 3:14 - 16
Sola Scriptura ("by Scripture alone") is the doctrine that the Bible contains all knowledge necessary for salvation and holiness. Consequently, it demands...
Jesus' male siblings did not yet believe he was the messiah. As the eldest, he was responsible for his mother after Joseph died, but he could not leave her...
The origin of godparents dates back to the early beginnings of the Christian Church. A sponsor was required for any person desirous of receiving the...
The Bible clearly states that we should give. The time of giving is scheduled within the service period. Appoximately 5-10 mins in a 2hrs service. Members...
"In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God". In the bible in several locations within the scriptures, God tells us his name...
The reason why i am asking is because these days, one sees a lot of couples who are both pastors in a church. There are churches that also encourages that a...
He corrects volunteers harshly if they don't perform their work to his standards. He is disrespectful, from the pulpit, of lost people who give no thoughts t...
An honest search for truth will lead you to study the scriptures for your answer. Acts 17:11 states, "Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the...
These are indeed baffling thoughts that need God-inspired open-minded responses! Thanks for posting them! With regards to your capping questions: Following...
One of the most popular verses among both Jews and Christians promoting social justice is Micah 6:8. It reads, "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And...
Does this give any clue medically that a mother who gives birth to a girl would be weaker, thus needing 60 days (2 months) of rest? Why the difference of unc...
A "healing room" is, quite simply, a room devoted to healing. Most often, the healing sought is from God, through the Holy Spirit. However, there also exist...
"Inner healing" refers to an attempt to free people from the negative emotional effects of harmful experiences. Inner healing has become more popular lately...
When it comes to gripping, can't-put-it-down, makes sense in the language I speak, communication from God to me, The Message can't be beat. Consider the...
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What does the Bible say about busyness / being too busy?
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Why did Jesus ask John to take care of Mary at his crucifixion instead of his siblings?
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For literal translation, I use the New American Standard Version. For a new believer, I get them a New Living Translation (NLT).
There are so many fake Christians because Jesus said there would be... Please read the parable of the sower in Matt 13; Mark 4 and Luke 8. Do read the three...
When two people get married they are on fire for one another. They go on their honeymoon, oblivious to the rest of the world. They may as well be the only...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Why did Jesus ask John to take care of Mary at his crucifixion instead of his siblings?
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Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What exactly is the "power" that many Charismatics or Pentecostals experience and even seem to radiate?
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What is the key to witnessing to Mormons ?
Passion Week (also known as Holy Week) is the time from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday (Resurrection Sunday). Also included within Passion Week are Holy...
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