What did it mean for an Old Testament saint to love God? Psalm 18:1
First, see the big picture: "I. DAVID'S DELIGHT (Ps 18:1-3): David expresses his deep love for the Lord. II. DAVID'S DISTRESS (Ps 18:4-6): David is...
First, see the big picture: "I. DAVID'S DELIGHT (Ps 18:1-3): David expresses his deep love for the Lord. II. DAVID'S DISTRESS (Ps 18:4-6): David is...
11 The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars are like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherd. 12 And further, my son, be admonished ...
The truth of the matter is that this practice of reflexology was created for false religions just as yoga was and cannot be separated from them. The guiding...
What does 'blessed are the peacemakers' mean? Jesus said this in Matthew 5:9. One cross reference to this verse which I love is Romans 12:18. -- "If...
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What are the books of the Bible? What does it mean that the Bible is composed of different books?
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Was Isaac born to Abraham and Sarah without physical contact between them?
I believe the God of the impossible took Abraham's seed and placed it in Sarah’s womb and she became pregnant. Remember Isaac is a type of Christ.
Examples: Not devoting time to reading and studying scripture to deepen your understanding of God's will. Not volunteering your time to help others in need,...
Yes, God can do anything including breaking the cycle of generational sin through the power of Jesus Christ, as seen in verses like Jeremiah 31:29-30 which...
Good question, especially for those of us who live in America. "Suffering belongs to the discipline of all Christ's followers (Rom 8:17; 2 Cor 1:7; Gal 3:4; ...
No! Faith & science do NOT conflict! I remember studying about this at Scottsdale Bible Church in Scottsdale, Arizona when I was a member there. There's...
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How can I know if the desires of my heart are from God?
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Should a church accept into their membership someone who owns a brothel? Or a bar?
Superb question, Stuart! The Romans destroyed the Temple, the only place allowed by halakha for sacrifices. --halakha is the Jewish legal system that governs...
Having a "life partner" without a civil marriage is not considered acceptable, as the Bible establishes marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman that...
According to 1 Chronicles 21:15, yes, the Bible describes an "angel" sent by God to destroy Jerusalem, which can be interpreted as an angel of death, as the...
Acupuncture is just using a needle to stimulate the nerve system to boost up the immune system. It has nothing to do with the spiritual world at all. Similar...
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Is there an angel of death?
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Is salvation created by faith or is faith created by salvation?
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Do faith in God and science contradict?
Isaiah 12:3: Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. Drawing water out of the wells of salvation with joy, one needs to have...
By my understanding, after the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70, there was no longer a divinely mandated or approved location for...
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Why did god create the world?
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Can demons attach themselves to non-living/inanimate objects?
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If God is so forgiving, and he forgives everyone of their sins, why is there a judgment day?
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If God is so forgiving, and he forgives everyone of their sins, why is there a judgment day?
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If God is so forgiving, and he forgives everyone of their sins, why is there a judgment day?
Good question, Louis! "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God," which means that while we may still sin as humans on earth, we can strive for...
Alfred, you've asked a very central question about the last times! (What will the end days be like?) 2 Timothy 3:1: NKJV - 1 But know this, that in the last...
Jesus uttered "My God, my God why have you forsaken me?" while on the cross as he felt the full impact of separation from God. This happened because he...
Briefly expressed, I would say that Paul's letter to the church at Philippi (which he himself had played a part in establishing) centered around three main...
By my understanding, the Masoretic text of 1 Samuel 13:1 says only that Saul reigned "... and two" years. (The Masoretic text of the verse does not contain...
Did God create evil? My view is that God is not the author of evil. No passage of Scripture remotely attributes evil to God. He never permits evil either. He...
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Why did Jesus choose to be baptized by John the Baptist?
Excellent question, since consistency demands that if an elder must be male, he must also have children, and these children must be obedient. To make excuses...
I believe the answer is found in the truth that God is love. Love has a need of something to love and receive love from. Love doesn't exist if it is not...
"If you knew the gift of God... you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. There it is right there; the gift of God is the Holy...
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Can demons attach themselves to non-living/inanimate objects?
I believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and everything in it is true. That being said, we don't always understand what is said correctly. As...
Tremendous question, Temba Chari! "God gave Egypt, Ethiopia (Cush), and Seba to Cyrus as a ransom payment to redeem Israel from Babylon, because Israel was...
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What is wrong with viewing pornography, if I don't lust after the person?
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Does God promise to not give us more than we can handle?
Good question, Steve! Anger is not always evil, and there are times when it is permitted or even necessary. However, the Bible also teaches that anger should...
Good question. I loved my theology classes at Arizona Bible College in Phoenix, Arizona and then too at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. So much...
Good question. Step 1 is to "initiate a private meeting with the person involved to address the issue directly. This first step is crucial for fostering...
This question is asked and many will begin to look all over the Bible for the answer. People will guess things like this: The soldier pierced Jesus' side...
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Do Christians have to obey the Old Testament law?
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