Saul heard that David and those who were with him had been located. Saul was sitting at Gibeah, under the tamarisk tree on the height, with his spear in his hand, and all his servants were standing around him.
Saul said to his servants who stood around him, "Hear now, you Benjaminites; will the son of Jesse give every one of you fields and vineyards, will he make you all commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds?
Is that why all of you have conspired against me? No one discloses to me when my son makes a league with the son of Jesse, none of you is sorry for me or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as he is doing today."
Doeg the Edomite, who was in charge of Saul's servants, answered, "I saw the son of Jesse coming to Nob, to Ahimelech son of Ahitub;
he inquired of the
The king sent for the priest Ahimelech son of Ahitub and for all his father's house, the priests who were at Nob; and all of them came to the king.
Saul said, "Listen now, son of Ahitub." He answered, "Here I am, my lord."
Saul said to him, "Why have you conspired against me, you and the son of Jesse, by giving him bread and a sword, and by inquiring of God for him, so that he has risen against me, to lie in wait, as he is doing today?"
Then Ahimelech answered the king, "Who among all your servants is so faithful as David? He is the king's son-in-law, and is quick 1 to do your bidding, and is honored in your house.
Is today the first time that I have inquired of God for him? By no means! Do not let the king impute anything to his servant or to any member of my father's house; for your servant has known nothing of all this, much or little."
The king said, "You shall surely die, Ahimelech, you and all your father's house."
The king said to the guard who stood around him, "Turn and kill the priests of the
But one of the sons of Ahimelech son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped and fled after David.
Abiathar told David that Saul had killed the priests of the