1 The word of the
Moan therefore, mortal; moan with breaking heart and bitter grief before their eyes.
And when they say to you, "Why do you moan?" you shall say, "Because of the news that has come. Every heart will melt and all hands will be feeble, every spirit will faint and all knees will turn to water. See, it comes and it will be fulfilled," says the Lord
And the word of the
Mortal, prophesy and say: Thus says the Lord; Say:
A sword, a sword is sharpened,
it is also polished;
it is sharpened for slaughter,
honed to flash like lightning!
How can we make merry?
You have despised the rod,
and all discipline. 2
The sword 3 is given to be polished,
to be grasped in the hand;
it is sharpened, the sword is polished,
to be placed in the slayer's hand.
Cry and wail, O mortal,
for it is against my people;
it is against all Israel's princes;
they are thrown to the sword,
together with my people.
Ah! Strike the thigh!
For consider: What! If you despise the rod, will it not happen? 4 says the Lord
And you, mortal, prophesy;
strike hand to hand.
Let the sword fall twice, thrice;
it is a sword for killing.
A sword for great slaughter--
it surrounds them;
therefore hearts melt
and many stumble.
At all their gates I have set
the point 5 of the sword.
Ah! It is made for flashing,
it is polished 6 for slaughter.
Attack to the right!
Engage to the left!
--wherever your edge is directed.
I too will strike hand to hand,
I will satisfy my fury;
I the
The word of the
Therefore thus says the Lord
As for you, vile, wicked prince of Israel,
you whose day has come,
the time of final punishment,
thus says the Lord
Remove the turban, take off the crown;
things shall not remain as they are.
Exalt that which is low,
abase that which is high.
A ruin, a ruin, a ruin--
I will make it!
(Such has never occurred.)
Until he comes whose right it is;
to him I will give it.
As for you, mortal, prophesy, and say, Thus says the Lord
A sword, a sword! Drawn for slaughter,
polished to consume, 10 to flash like lightning.
Offering false visions for you,
divining lies for you,
they place you over the necks
of the vile, wicked ones--
those whose day has come,
the time of final punishment.
Return it to its sheath!
In the place where you were created,
in the land of your origin,
I will judge you.
I will pour out my indignation upon you,
with the fire of my wrath
I will blow upon you.
I will deliver you into brutish hands,
those skillful to destroy.
You shall be fuel for the fire,
your blood shall enter the earth;
you shall be remembered no more,
for I the