No one whose testicles are crushed or whose penis is cut off shall be admitted to the assembly of the
Those born of an illicit union shall not be admitted to the assembly of the
No Ammonite or Moabite shall be admitted to the assembly of the
You shall not abhor any of the Edomites, for they are your kin. You shall not abhor any of the Egyptians, because you were an alien residing in their land.
The children of the third generation that are born to them may be admitted to the assembly of the
9 When you are encamped against your enemies you shall guard against any impropriety.
10 If one of you becomes unclean because of a nocturnal emission, then he shall go outside the camp; he must not come within the camp. 11 When evening comes, he shall wash himself with water, and when the sun has set, he may come back into the camp.
You shall have a designated area outside the camp to which you shall go.
With your utensils you shall have a trowel; when you relieve yourself outside, you shall dig a hole with it and then cover up your excrement.
Because the
15 Slaves who have escaped to you from their owners shall not be given back to them. 16 They shall reside with you, in your midst, in any place they choose in any one of your towns, wherever they please; you shall not oppress them.
None of the daughters of Israel shall be a temple prostitute; none of the sons of Israel shall be a temple prostitute.
You shall not bring the fee of a prostitute or the wages of a male prostitute 1 into the house of the
You shall not charge interest on loans to another Israelite, interest on money, interest on provisions, interest on anything that is lent.
On loans to a foreigner you may charge interest, but on loans to another Israelite you may not charge interest, so that the
If you make a vow to the
24 If you go into your neighbor's vineyard, you may eat your fill of grapes, as many as you wish, but you shall not put any in a container. 25 If you go into your neighbor's standing grain, you may pluck the ears with your hand, but you shall not put a sickle to your neighbor's standing grain.