Why do many worship and do Sabbath on Sunday instead of Saturday?
As an observant Jew, Jesus kept the Sabbath. But He also went out of His way to perform miracles of healing on the Sabbath which was against the Law. And yet...
As an observant Jew, Jesus kept the Sabbath. But He also went out of His way to perform miracles of healing on the Sabbath which was against the Law. And yet...
Colossians 2:14, "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his...
Leviticus 19:34 The stranger who dwells among you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the...
Major Point: In the Magazine called NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC a few years ago it was confirmed that alll DNA can be tracked back to ONE person. Noted also was the...
GENESIS 1.3 And Elohim said, Let there be light: and there was light. GENESIS 1.5 And Elohim called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the...
Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.
Romans 12:9
There is no in between state.Lazarus went to the place of bliss after death after being carried by the angels while the rich man went to Hades and he had a...
The following little Bible study seems to result in a very probable and logical answer. The Scriptures always speak of heaven as “up.” But which way is “up”?...
A dowry, sometimes called a bride price or bridewealth, was a payment made by a man as a gift to the family of a woman he desired to be his wife. In Genesis...
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Should a Christian attend the wedding of a gay couple?
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Prosperity, to me, simply means, "Just enough." When god placed us here on this earth He had a purpose for each of us and he promised to provide for us....
There are as many ways of bible study as there are readers of the bible. Some use systems devised by others and believe how others choose to interpret the...
in Acts 12: 5, we read the passage of Peter who was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. This is the second...
Balaam was a pagan prophet who practiced divination and other magic arts, led Israel into apostasy, and was identified as a false prophet by Peter and Jude...
It is false if anyone preaches that Jonah was miraculously kept alive; he died when thus swallowed up. He became a true type of the death, burial, and...
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Has anyone ever seen God?
The Bereans were residents of the city of Berea in Macedonia. Paul and Silas preached to them during Paul's second missionary journey. The account of Paul...
Simon the Sorcerer, sometimes referred to as Simon Magus or Simon of Gitta, is mentioned by Luke in Acts 8:9-24. He appeared in the wake of the newly...
The New Testament records Paul taking three missionary journeys that spread the message of Christ to Asia Minor and Europe. The apostle Paul was a...
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What does the Bible say about dance in worship?
The "mark of God" on the hand and forehead of His believers, those who keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus, are spiritual marks....
What is Corban? Corban is, all that I can spare of material things is dedicated to God and I cannot help my parents. How do they evade law by Corban? ...
"Though the fig tree does not bud...and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord" (Hab 3:17,18) The lamenting Job asked, "Is there any taste...
Angels, satan, fallen angels have "spiritual body". A Greek: pneumatikos (G4152) is to refer the spiritual body. Rom. 7:14. By this is meant the body will...
This question presents a pure hypothetical since we know that Satan does in fact exist. The answer then must be based on philosophical speculation rather...
Hab 2:3 says, "And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it". This prophecy in...
Those who worship the beast are those people who after being given the truth choose to be "lawless". They are "lawless" because they refuse to keep God's 10...
The word hell is translated into English from the Hebrew Sheol; and the Greek Hades. Both of these refer to the place of the dead. As Jesus showed in the...
1 Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice. 2 Each will be like a hiding place from the wind, a shelter from the storm, l...
Isaiah 32:1 - 20
What is righteousness? Righteousness is having the mind like that of God. A mind that loves and intends to do well, a mind that intends to save and not to...
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What is the Star of David and is it biblical?
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What does the Bible say about Sunday school?
Modern scientific insight has revealed startling evidence for intelligent design from various disciplines, from biology to astronomy, from physics to...
Modern scientific insight has revealed startling evidence for intelligent design from various disciplines, from biology to astronomy, from physics to...
Modern scientific insight has revealed startling evidence for intelligent design from various disciplines, from biology to astronomy, from physics to...
Well, witness is needed in the court of justice both in the criminal and civil laws cases for judging any body who is charged in the court. "For the LORD is...
The question...."does a wife have to submit to her husband"...this subject has been misplaced and misunderstood. This question seem to give some sort of...
Having been formerly a Muslim, I can tell you that this is one of the weapons used by many Muslims to discredit the worthiness of the sacrifice offered by...
A sanctuary is a holy place set apart for the purpose of worship. All over the world, churches meet in schools, houses, gymnasiums, community centers, parks,...
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Is Satan in hell?
Do human beings truly have a free will? Absolutely. God created man with the ability to choose between right and wrong, good and evil, etc., and with that...
What does it mean to be one flesh in marriage? The Hebrew word "ba-sar" for flesh carries a number of synonyms in Hebrew thought. In its basic meaning it...
This is my personal experience. I know a person who used to take lift in my bike always when he sees me. He is healthy enough to walk and his office is just ...
Proverbs 3:27
There is surely a high degree of enmity between the Israelites and the Arabs to date. However, much as it can be said to be a historical matter, it can...
The word Corban is only found in Mark 7:11. The interpretation is given in the same verse: "devoted to God as a gift." The word described something to be...
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