Why wasn't the entire life of Jesus recorded in the Bible?
Oh! Don't you wish His entire life was recorded in the Bible? Can you imagine reading of all the miracles and compassion and the teachings of Jesus! 33 years...
Oh! Don't you wish His entire life was recorded in the Bible? Can you imagine reading of all the miracles and compassion and the teachings of Jesus! 33 years...
In order for anyone to be saved, they must confess that Jesus is their Lord and believe in their heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). By...
The Bible doesn't give a specific time or even place for us to be in the Word. The main thing is that you ARE in the Word. As for me, it is more quiet and my...
When I marry, there will be rings. It's a symbol to others that you are committed to someone else, and you vowed to keep that. There is a couple at my church...
For we know that righteousness is exclusively of God. Only God is righteous of Himself. Man can never be righteous of himself. Righteousness is only granted...
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How can I become more like Christ?
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Who is the desired of all nations?
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Is it acceptable to have communion outside of the church?
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Why did David choose five smooth stones before going to fight Goliath?
Generally speaking, a church trustee is a layman who takes care of the secular business of running a church. Trustees manage finances and property, and...
When Adam sinned, death entered the world. God expelled Adam and Eve from the garden as they had exchanged their life in paradise for a curse. They were...
The Christian life not involves one's walk with the Lord Jesus, but also fellowship with other believers. No one can be a Christian in isolation. A Christian...
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Does God require Sabbath-keeping of Christians?
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What is spiritual maturity? How can I become more spiritually mature?
Of the Ten Commandments (Ex 20:1-17), the Sabbath is one that New Testament believers are generally unconcerned or uncompromising. Are Christians to observe...
Yes, most definitely! He knew our thoughts before we were born. He knew when you would ask this question and when I would respond down to the millisecond...
I'm not an expert in numerology, nor do I put a lot of confidence in the certainty of that study, but I like numbers, and I think more often than not, the...
The word "communion" can carry a range of meanings. Its common application is the Lord's Table. It can also refer to the fellowship of believers in which...
There is too much confusion arising from Roman Catholic theology here. The Rock is actually Jesus who is the Christ. Notice that the subject is the...
I feel we must first consider that Mary, Jesus' mother, knew he was the Messiah, the eternal Son of God in the flesh (Luke 1:46-55). Although this is the...
It is my understanding is that Christians worship a triune Godhead. The subject verse seems to suggest that the three do not have identical access to all wi...
Acts 1:7
Seek the GIVER, NOT THE TONGUES. When you are seeking the Lord with all your heart, it will come. I was asleep and God awakened me with the words, "Get on...
Sometimes, I wonder. God gave Eve to Adam as a helpmate. As they were the only people on earth, there was no certificate of marriage or anyone, other than...
The sons of Saul were Jon′a·than, Ish′vi, and Mal′chi-shu′a. And he had two daughters; the name of the older one was Me′rab, and the name of the younger one,...
Gentleness means the ability to swallow the bitter pills from those that hurt you, no matter the pains. Jesus demonstrated this gentleness character when he...
The first servant in verse 42 is the believer. The other servants are unbelievers. The servant in verse 45 is wicked and cruel. The third servant is still an...
Before answering this question, let me present my view on tithes which is different from Michael Houdmann's. Tithing is a timeless biblical principle that...
Was she lying in this instance? The text doesn't seem to say that Jesus was calling for Mary.
John 11:28
Several of the psalms start with this title: "Song of Ascents."
Psalms 120:1 - 7
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What are the biblical solutions for solving marriage problems?
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How could David be considered a man after God's own heart?
The Kairos Circle, or the Learning Circle, is a learning tool used by some Christian and secular groups to assess experience and promote personal improvement...
Revelation 11:18 says God is going to destroy those who destroy the earth, also God created the world, why would we not take care of his creation? We as...
In my opinion, the start of finding biblical answer to this very good question is to first understand what the term" soul" mean. Do humans have a soul or do...
God says what he means and means what he says. Creation was in 6 days as described in the bible so that God gave us a concept as to how long we should work...
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Does Hebrews 10:26 mean that a believer can lose salvation?
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Does God promise to not give us more than we can handle?
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How can I become a prayer warrior?
I have a different answer to this question. Here the 'rock' means the faith, the absolute faith. As you know, the faith has to come from above. Peter's faith...
What is the Sacrament of the Altar? It is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, under the bread and wine, for us Christians to eat and to drink,...
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How old was Mary when the angel visited her?
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Is God a delusion?
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