How can I do good works if I am unable to leave my home?
I was pretty-much housebound and suffered chronic pain for a number of years; here are some of the things I learned in that period: Good works do not have to...
I was pretty-much housebound and suffered chronic pain for a number of years; here are some of the things I learned in that period: Good works do not have to...
There is no other biblical reason for this. Mary Magdalene just happened to be at the right place at the right time. There is no doubt of course that she was...
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What is the Bible?
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What did Jesus mean when He told us to ask, seek, and knock?
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What is the prophecy of St. Malachy?
My reading of Romans 16:7 reveals that neither Junias nor Andronicus were apostles and neither was female. The Greek text renders that they were splendid or...
God created man from the dust of the ground, formed him into an image of Himself and then breathed into the man He created the breath of life and at that...
A person can approach others with contempt or compassion in their hearts. Jesus or Satan will guide you from there.
No! It is not in the nature of a true believer to sin habitually but by inadvertence. This is not to suggest that true believers are sinless because this...
Certainly, the fear of God is all that has been stated in the answers given thus far, but the Bible speaks of ”The Fear of the Lord” in the OT, and it...
She was the only one there and she thought he was the gardener, until she heard him speak. Amazing that through this woman Jesus commissioned her to go to...
I would like to add to what Bro.Michael has already so well explained. One beautiful lesson I see in this story is that God did not deliver Daniel from the...
My house is attached to a church of one minor Christian denomination, every week they have zumba: it is a nightmare, like a carnival in Brazil, not to...
The Lord has taught me a very important lesson from 1Samuel 17 : 37. "David said moreover, The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of...
The Bible doesn't say, so we don't know. It is possible for babies to be born, but not be twins. There are cases of superfetation, in which one baby is...
Because few Christians have actually studied the tithe laws and most denominations which teach tithing do so from selfish motivation there is little...
It is indeed true that many Christians are so resentful of many Church leaders than ever before. Is this situation simply rebellion, or it is out of how...
That was a very good question. And, what is the answer from the Bible? "And the great dragon was cast down, the old serpent, he that is called the Devil and...
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How is belief in God any different from Flying Spaghetti Monsterism?
Man is made up of three parts viz., body, soul and spirit. The soul consists of three parts viz., mind,will and emotions. God has given us a free will to...
All the tithe money goes to the pastor only if the pastor is a thief. Unfortunately, due to rather poor biblical scholarship or perhaps greed there are many...
Jesus teaches what causes us to drift away from the faith in Matthew ch 13 in the parable of the sower. The cares and concerns of this world are great...
Dear Sammie, Your question is so interesting because it interweaves many layers of Truths. First, you must understand that the Children of Israel were...
Usually when someone asks a question such as this I find that they have either fallen for the common false teaching that God's law and the Old Testament no...
Peter and John came to the tomb as well, so why did Jesus not appear to them? Why only Mary? What was so special about her to Jesus? What was she doing that ...
John 20:1 - 18
Saints, that refer to all believers (Acts 26:10; Rom 1:7; 1 Cor 1:2), are but guilty sinners pardoned by the grace of God. That man’s redemption from the...
I think that Jesus made this answer crystal clear when He was telling the story of the rich man and Lazarus. (Luke 16:19-31) This rich man was so wealthy and...
Dear Amber, I would like to add just a couple of things to the things already stated. First, the demons asked not to be sent out of the country. In the...
Most likely, Junia was a female apostle who served alongside her husband. She was also a fellow prisoner for Christ, though not necessarily in the same jail...
Knowing how to study the Bible is important, because determining the meaning of Scripture is one of the most important tasks a believer has in this life. God...
The Bible speaks of tongues and unknown tongues both. As a Christian, it is my understanding that the Holy Spirit lives in and with me. There are times that...
In my opinion: Does God Forechoose those who are to be saved or does He make Salvation available to all? Kind of a Calvinism verses Armenianism question. I...
Christians are supposed to have faith in God, and that God's will will be carried out. But since we do not know whether that will be good or bad for us in ou...
Torture can be defined as "the infliction of intense pain to punish, to coerce, or to derive sadistic pleasure." Of course, sadism is never appropriate or...
Yes the baptism is necessary for salvation as the bible says in the book of (Mar 16:16) whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not...
Is there a temporary place once we die, until the final judgement? Is there a middle place for unbelievers while believers automatically go to heaven, or is ...
Luke 16:19 - 31
What does it mean to workout your own salvation with fear and trembling. This is a wonderful exhortation in its context because it not only tells us how we...
There's three: the world, satan, & the flesh. For me the FLESH is the greatest Enemy. I am my worst enemy.
There is no doubt that El Shaddai was the name God introduced himself to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as in Ex 6:3 But, I see the confusion In Gen 22:14 because...
This is a family squabble and it is too bad both sides at times seem obstinate. I was raised as a Catholic, participated wholly in both my faith and religion...
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What does the Bible say about Christian tithing? Should a Christian tithe?
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How do I get right with God?
In Genesis 44, Joseph tests his brothers (who have not recognized him) by returning their money in each sack of grain they had purchased. In Benjamin's sack,...
In Genesis 44, Joseph tests his brothers (who have not recognized him) by returning their money in each sack of grain they had purchased. In Benjamin's sack,...
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