What does the Bible say or infer about a person smoking marijuana?
Seek Jesus's answer to your question. Pray about it and seek the Holy Spirit so that when you make a choice you will be convicted to follow that choice not...
Seek Jesus's answer to your question. Pray about it and seek the Holy Spirit so that when you make a choice you will be convicted to follow that choice not...
It means that God knows everything that has happened, is happening and will happen, and that every event was known by God when He created the universe. We...
Historical Biblical Facts are extremely hard to find. This being said, and using the Bible, and Josephus as my research base, I offer this: As a priest...
This question is based on the assumption that Man has a free will. There are not many places in the Bible which support unequivocally the idea of free will....
Well, if you look at Hebrews 11:32, you can use whatever version you desire, but the KJV is the most accurate in relation to the original Bible. This verse...
Greetings, sir Ferrari. Both ''watchers'' (from the Hebrew word ''‛ıyr''), and the ''holy ones'' (Hebrew ''qaddıysh'', from the root word ''qadosh'') here...
When you are all alone with no outside influence, not in Church or among some religious group, what is on your heart? What possesses your thoughts, what is...
As I have read all of my Brothers and Sisters answers, I have only to add that through much prayer and supplication this can be overcome. It is not something...
We like to believe that we have free will, but it is clear that God is the providential God who is minutely in control of all things to the finest detail....
Your question: "What does God mean that He has "concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all"? Romans 11 begins by Paul asking a...
Having the context for this verse in mind (previous chapters speak about how The Lord loves Israel and how The Lord would have mercy on them and gather them...
When we die, we go to the grave and return to the dust again like the beast. (Psalm 49:14, 19-20; Psalm 89:48; Job 34:15).
You told me to use Bible verses though there is none as far as I know. This particular brain disorder is a chemical imbalance in the brain. My mama had it...
I have studied this in good depth, and the reality is that prominent modern evolutionary scientists don't really say that the fossil record supports a...
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Does God ever reject someone who wants to become a Christian?
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How was the water created by God? Why does Genesis 1:1-2 not say that God spoke the water into existence?
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How does young earth creationism handle the evidence for millions of years in the fossil record?
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Is there any evidence for the Bible's view of a young earth?
Genesis 1 : 26 -27, Genesis 2:7 & 22
Genesis 1:1 - 31
As per John 5:24 - who so ever believes in Jesus and saved by his precious blood will not be subjected to judgement. Jesus said: "Truly, truly, I say to you,...
What an interesting question! I am so grateful for my Spiritual Leader that has labored and preached countless hours on this subject. The Word of God is...
Greetings, brother Michael. On this verse, the apostle Jude referred to those which are generally termed ''fallen angels'', which are ''demons'' now, as it...
My opinion is that the earth is older than 6,000 years. God created the world as stated in Genesis 1:1-2: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the...
I don't understand. I thought God only has mercy on those who believe. Help me understand this better, please.
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What did Jesus mean when He said, 'I am the Bread of Life'?
In my humble opinion when I consider the many lands in which my birth may have transpired while here on Gods green Earth. But since He knew me before my...
Shalom I had a precious 10 year old looking over my shoulder as I looked at this question. Here is her child-like response. You cannot love somebody without...
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What does it mean that Jesus died for our sins?
God was not happy that David wanted to take a census of his military, maybe because David wanted to glorify himself with the number of his troops or, more...
God's plan of Salvation: First: God Loves You. (John 3:16) Second: Man is a sinner,and his sin has separated him from God. (Eccl.7:20, Romans 3:23)...
There are two good ways that I like to use, that use scripture to present the Gospel, simply and easily. I say this, because up until about 7 years ago, I...
In addition to what has already been stated, Galatians chapter 5:19-21 lists the works of the flesh. In verse 20 we read: "Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred,...
The only sin that can't be forgiven is the sin of unbelief. If one won't believe in the saving power of the blood of Jesus then they can't partake of this...
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What does the Bible say about hentai? Is looking at hentai / cartoon porn a sin?
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Why is edification important in the life of a Christian?
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Is it possible to enter into the kingdom of God without water baptism?
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What does the Bible say on the importance of accountability?
The philosophy of ethics is the study of the nature of the cosmos and the proper response of humanity to that nature. Philosophers analyze metaphysical...
The word heathen is an older translation of the Hebrew word goyim in the Old Testament. The word goyim literally meant "nations" and could refer broadly to...
What does a person love more, smoking or God? My advice is for a Christian who smokes to pray and ask God for a clear sign to answer this question. I would...
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