What is the structure of the Jewish calendar?
The Jewish calendar is based on the lunar month, which is a bit longer than 29 days. Because of this, the months in the Jewish calendar are 29 or 30 days...
The Jewish calendar is based on the lunar month, which is a bit longer than 29 days. Because of this, the months in the Jewish calendar are 29 or 30 days...
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What are some flaws in the theory of evolution?
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What are some flaws in the theory of evolution?
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Who can be saved?
My answer and comments are rooted in and from my strong Christian upbringing in which my parents gave myself and my brothers genuine parental love and...
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Who can be saved?
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Who can be saved?
For example, in Ezekiel 20:1, The NLT says, 'Aug 14th' while most other translations say 'The tenth day of the fifth month'.
Ezekiel 20:1
When Jesus spoke with the woman at the well in John 4 He told her to go get her husband, to which she said she had no husband. Jesus said that she answered...
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What is the sacred feminine?
The Feast of Dedication, which was once also called the Feast of the Maccabees, was an eight-day winter festival celebrated by the Jews in the month of...
Chemosh was the god of the Moabites (Numbers 21:29; Jeremiah 48:7, 13, 46). Scripture calls him "the abomination of Moab" (1 Kings 11:7). Unfortunately,...
Expectations can be high or low, reasonable or unreasonable, good or bad. The Bible speaks of expectations of redemption (Romans 8:19), expectations of...
Simply put, illumination in the spiritual sense is "turning on the light" of understanding in some area. Throughout the ages, people in every culture and...
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What is the right religion for me?
Prudence means being careful and sensible, to your needs as well as others. It means using sound judgement. How we get it, and use it in our lives, is by...
Gold speaks Of God's divine nature. Silver speaks of redemption. There are no literal gold streets in heaven. If it is physical gold, then we are of all men...
Jesus is described by John as the "the Lamb who looked as if He had been killed." - perhaps recently. The entire scene in the throne room (Revelation 5) is ...
First, understanding that the scriptures are not literal is the key to understanding And unlocking God's mind for his people. Prov 25:2. It is the glory of...
My opinion is as recorded in psalms 29, that the voice of the Lord is powerful and mighty. Deep in awe of God's greatness calls unto Deep, in fear of his...
What is Philippians trying to tell us here? I don't understand this.
Philippians 4:4
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Do women have to remain silent in church?
My opinion is that the term; "antichrist" does not necessarily mean that this system or man would be against Christ, it could, and most likely means that...
The Bible answers the question; what is sin? In 1st John 3:4, sin is defined as the violation of the Law. The term law here goes beyond the Ten Commands of...
Christians have a variety of views concerning psychology. Some accept psychology as a legitimate field of study useful in assisting people with the problems...
Sam, thanks for your question that I can understand to be having disharmony with the truth because of the question itself. As to "Jesus died on the cross to...
I have been over coming negative thinking through learning God's Word, confessing the negativity as sin, and confessing my trust in God and His promises. It...
It was now the sixth hour and the darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour.....
Luke 1:1 - 80
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If Jesus was God, does it mean that he sacrificed himself for Himself?
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What does the phrase '"right with God" mean?
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What does it mean when Psalm 21:12 says "You will make ready your arrows on your string toward their faces"?
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Is there a difference between the "judgement seat of Christ" and the "great white throne" judgement?
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What does the Bible say about overcoming grief?
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What is fatalism? What is determinism?
“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” (Romans...
The greatest sin is not accepting the free gift of eternal life with Jesus Christ when the Holy Spirit offers it to you. This is the only sin that is not...
The greatest sin is not accepting the free gift of eternal life with Jesus Christ when the Holy Spirit offers it to you. This is the only sin that is not...
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What is the connection between prayer and fasting?
In this verse, which Peter spoke as part of his Pentecost sermon to the crowd that had gathered in response to the events connected with the granting of the...
The issue of death verses sleep, is that either way, our salvation is intact, if we truly have our heart following Christs teaching in act and deed. The...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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How can I know what God's plan is?
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How should Christian parents handle a teen daughter who has become pregnant?
Matthew 24 states that we will know when it's near. 32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know...
Could the death and resurrection of Christ be seen as fruit that can continue to grow and multiply to provide Eternal Life?
Revelation 22:2
To be right with God is to be 'one' with Him in heart and mind. A good example of this is the story of Simon in Acts 8. Philip went to Samaria to preach...
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