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Is the United States a Christian nation?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Is the United States a Christian nation?
My opinion is that after Adam and Eve had not succumbed to temptation, they would begin to enlarge their realm of domination, generating children as part of...
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Is it right to call anyone other than God, "Holy Father"?
These two images illustrate the idea that what doesn't succeed in the Old Testament may very well succeed in the New. The images, probably not identical...
The phrase 'all of creation' does mean exactly that; all of creation. Just as everything that was made was subject to death after Adam's fall in the garden...
The Bible records three cases of twins. The known twins of the Bible include the following: Jacob and Esau: These two brothers are certainly the best-known...
Although Hezekiah's reign was characterized favorably in 2 Kings 18:3-6, he was still subject to sin, as indicated in part (in my opinion) by the...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.
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Is the United States a Christian nation?
Does this refer to animals, plant life, trees and creatures of the sea?
Romans 8:19
My answer comes from a simile that Jesus used directly in the 11th chapter of Luke. He is speaking directly to attacks by the devil, so this certainly would...
I think the first response to your family member is grace. That's how Jesus would have responded. You are not agreeing with them but you are not judging or...
I believe Jesus had an unknown number of brothers but there is no mention of his sisters in Scripture. Contrary to what the Roman Catholics teach, there is...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Is the United States a Christian nation?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Why does God seem so angry with the women described in Isaiah 3:16-24?
The spiritual gift of miracles is one of the spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:10, where the NIV calls it "miraculous powers" and the ESV and KJV...
On the first day of creation, God said, "Let there be light" (Genesis 1:3), and light appeared as a thing separate from darkness. The phrase let there be...
The gospel message is the good news of God's grace, so it is important to know what grace is and to constantly seek to get a better view of what grace does...
Vashti in the Bible was the wife of King Xerxes (or Ahasuerus in many translations). King Xerxes and Queen Vashti of Persia figure in the story of Esther, a...
The story of the wise man who built his house upon a rock is found in Matthew 7:24-27. It is one of the parables of Jesus. During His Sermon on the Mount,...
Shepherd's Chapel is a church/ministry in Gravette, Arkansas, USA, known mainly for its television broadcast featuring the Bible teaching of Arnold Murray....
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Isn't sexual sin worse than others because it is a sin against your own body?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What does Jesus say about friendship?
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What does the Bible say about birth control? Should Christians use birth control?
This is an interesting question, but I believe it contains within it a logical error. In your question you state, "The tree of 'knowledge' [of good/evil] was...
The Lord's Prayer : Matthew 6:9-13 "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven....
One should note that the man is commanded to pay a dowry to the father of the woman and marry her. He has taken her virginity and she is not promised in...
It's seems Jesus is capturing a teaching moment. "Who are my mother and brothers?" is a question asked to their minds and hearts. Anyone would loves me more,...
Deuteronomy 22:28-29 is under the old law (Moses's Law), but when Jesus came He did away with the old law, therefore since we are living under grace, I don't...
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Who is our brother mentioned in 1 John 4: 21?
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Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Should a non-Catholic Christian participate in a Catholic Mass?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What is the sinner's prayer?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What are the names of Satan?
Although not much in the bible is devoted specifically to the conduct of women, God does have true concern for the welfare and judgment of women, and...
The word "speed", as formerly used in Middle English at the time that this term arose, did not pertain to rapidity, but was related to prosperity or success....
The Hebrew word in this verse that is translated as "one of illegitimate birth" is the masculine noun "mamzer". It comes from root terms meaning "defect",...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Why didn't Jesus go out and see His mother and brothers when He was told they were waiting outside for Him?
The answer is No. On the verses you cite, 28 & 29, it says he "seizes her" this is a nonviolent "hook up" because they both go to a place together to...
This crime was not considered the same as it is today, because at the time women were almost like slaves. At that time marriage was honoring the woman that...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Is the "New Perspective on Paul" biblical?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Why is singing songs to a troubled heart like vinegar on soda?
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Why should I witness to non-christians if God has already predestined his elect for salvation?
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Why should I witness to non-christians if God has already predestined his elect for salvation?
The Church of the Nativity was built over what has been considered to be the birth place of Jesus. No one can know for sure. There is NO significance to this...
Just searching the internet for an answer, I find that this is an actual church that took four years to build. It's the church belonging to the Universal...
In this verse, I believe that Paul is expressing the hope that the members of the Christian church at Thessalonica would be open to God's direction and...
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