Bronze | Silver | Gold | |
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I came to Christ through personal conviction of my then lifestyle. One day I said to myself "Lord one day I will serve you" shortly after that I was invited to church by my aunt It was a non-denominational church, there I responded to an altar call to get saved. Went through the church process of becoming a member and going to spiritual growth class I remained there for eight years I always felt convicted because I wasn't involved in any of the help ministries then eventually, I fell away and backslid and over the years I have definitely paid the price for turning my back on God I lost my job and suffer personal issues . It has been ten years since I've been to church I currently stream church service but of course, it is not the same as being in a church service and fellowshipping with other believers. I am starting all over again wanting to know the God I never knew. I am learning what true salvation is and what it means to be truly regenerated and converted which I don't think I had experienced when I responded to the alter call. I am glad that God will never leave or forsaken me.