When & where did the incarnation occur?
I would say that the Incarnation occurred in Nazareth (Luke 1:26) at the moment when Jesus was conceived in Mary's womb through the overshadowing of her by...
I would say that the Incarnation occurred in Nazareth (Luke 1:26) at the moment when Jesus was conceived in Mary's womb through the overshadowing of her by...
I consulted a Greek interlinear translation of these verses (http://biblehub.com/interlinear/colossians/1.htm) to try to get a clear idea of the original...
About whether God’s treatment of Job was just, is a matter of perspective, in my opinion. Some would say that God can’t be unjust and that ends it. Tell that...
As the bible uses surrender, it is both a spiritual battle and a decision of the will. Who will be in control of our life? Do we want to be in control? Will...
To better understand the resurrection, first we should briefly address the state of the dead. The Bible say that the dead will sleep in the grave until the...
When & where did the incarnation of Jesus Christ occur?
These verses in Colossians 1:15-22 use the personal pronouns he, him, himself, etc. in these passages, and it is confusing for me to follow the personages. I...
Colossians 1:15 - 22
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How are predestination and election connected with foreknowledge?
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Can a Christian be a nudist? What does the Bible say about nudity?
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What was the purpose of a dowry?
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How can I overcome disappointment with life?
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Should a Christian be patriotic?
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Will there be sex in heaven?
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Why do most Christians meet together for fellowship, study, and worship on Sunday?
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ... Rom 8:1. That's good news if you can convert this truth from something that simply...
The one thing God cannot do is accept His Son as Lord and Savior of your life. He gave us a Free Will to choose between good and evil and to know the Truth,...
I worship God, my Father, as I wake up in the early am. I continually worship God through out the day and evening. He is my everything. I rarely go 'into...
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Why did Jesus teach in parables?
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Should a Christian celebrate Hanukkah (Christmaskah)?
Christening means the act of giving a child a Christian name, but by association it has also come to mean infant baptism. Now this is one of the most...
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Does God exist? Is there evidence for the existence of God?
There are some (such as those who maintain that the soul "sleeps" after death prior to the resurrection) who will say, in order to reconcile this conflict,...
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What is the Mishnah? What is a midrash?
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Did Jesus come only for the Jews and not the Gentiles?
"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed - in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trump...
1 Corinthians 15:51 - 52
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How can one be kingdom-minded?
I see no reason or indication that Isaac would not also have heard the angel of the LORD (perhaps the pre-incarnate Christ) addressing Abraham (although...
How does the geologic timescale fit with the view of a young earth? A short answer is that it doesn’t, except for the top Holocene epoch, the soils of which...
The question,"How do I find comfort and peace when I have lost a loved one to death?" could better be answered if we knew the relationship to the writer....
I'd assume he did because if my parents tried to kill me on an alter after making me carry a load of wood up a mountain I'd think they were crazy unless I ac...
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What's a Christian to do in a financial crisis?
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What is the significance of the city of Petra in the Bible?
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What can we learn from the book of James?
Young or old, people have to want to continue to learn about "Thus says the LORD". Most know some things, but satisfying the flesh "feels" easier to them....
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How can we live joyfully, knowing a loved one may be in hell?
My opinion on praying is to never cease. God wants us to be close to him and depend on him at all times. The more you pray, the more you love Jesus. Just...
Scripture presents Judas as "Son of perdition" in [John 17:12 ], meaning one doomed to destruction. Jesus knew He would be betrayed and in fact, He announced...
Judas, being one of the Twelve disciples, having a close relationship with Christ, hang himself rather than repenting for betraying Jesus?
I would say, first, that I would be hesitant to pass judgment on another individual's spiritual condition, especially since even Christians (including those...
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Can a Christian 'give back' salvation?
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Should a Christian go into business with an unbeliever?
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How does the geologic timescale fit with the view of a young earth?
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What can we learn from the book of James?
God is eternal and is not subject to time. In God's heaven time is non-existent. Time is based on our solar system and is measured according to the Earth's...
To you understand the fossil record of the earth you, have to look at Genesis 1, to see how God created the universe. Day1: God created the heavens and the...
According to sources I found: Judas hanged himself (Matthew 27:5). James the Greater (the son of Zebedee and the brother of John) was beheaded under Herod...
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What does it mean to die to the flesh and what are some practical ways to do it daily?
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What does God say to do with anger over attacks from terrorism? Are we to sit and watch it happen?
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What does it mean to die to the flesh and what are some practical ways to do it daily?
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