Why are there only four gospels in the Bible?
I would say that it would be a combination of the following: -- the degree of use of each gospel by the early church (dating from a time when there would...
I would say that it would be a combination of the following: -- the degree of use of each gospel by the early church (dating from a time when there would...
Why are there only 4 gospels in the Bible?
Matthew 1:1 - 25
The Fourth Commandment is the only commandment of the Ten Commandments that is not repeated in the New Testament. But the Divine Example is still with us...
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Does the Bible say "come as you are"?
I have never had personal experience with the ministry referenced in the question, but my understanding from multiple second-hand sources is that it is...
My understanding is that this command was/is observed by Jews in biblical times (as well as by Orthodox Jews to the present day) not through the use of...
The root meaning of the word "exalt" (sometimes also translated as "extol") means "to raise up". The use of this word in connection with God emphasizes all...
Does this mean a tattoo?
Deuteronomy 6:4 - 9
Christians can enhance the visual capacity of their spiritual eyes by engaging in spiritual practices (disciplines). Spiritual practices engage our spirit in...
The "first month" in Exodus correlates to the modern March/April. Many ancient calendars started in the early spring. Since cultures were so tightly linked...
Every experience in a Christian’s life, every event and circumstance, affects our spiritual life. There is no neutral, indifferent consequence. And the...
In human warfare between opposing kingdoms, there is always a series of battles, and then a final battle that determines victory and defeat. The defeated...
Telling others about Jesus will at some point include discussion of the reason why Jesus was incarnated (that is, to provide salvation for a universally...
In my opinion, the word "isles" in the cited passage is being used in its usual geographic sense to indicate the inclusiveness of the lands or areas of the...
Jack has another very timely question for this rubiconic time and I humbly submit for your consideration some not so quick thoughts on the matter. In The...
I believe all people need to give up 2 things to inherit eternal life; 1) give up all our secret sins and turn away from them, and 2) give up control of our...
This question has a very simple answer, although the testimony reflects some biblical truths and is likened unto the parable in Luke 16 attempting to deceive...
The Old Testament provided many examples of Israel being miraculously victorious with the help of God, despite seemingly overwhelming or invincible forces...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Why did God harden Pharaoh's heart?
From a spiritual standpoint, and speaking from the perspective of the better, the following occur to me: -- providing a greater appreciation of the brevity...
37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (NIV)
Romans 8:37
The Hebrew calendar is a lunar calendar, based on the phases of the moon as it orbits around the earth (which takes approximately 27.32 days for each orbit),...
First John 1:8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. First John 1:8 If we say we have not sinned, we call God a liar. If...
I would say that the answer to this question would not be a standardized thing or list of things that would be the same for everyone, but would be different...
And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Luke 18:27 | KJV
We are aliens and foreigners and strangers on this earth because our citizenship is in heaven. We live in this world but we are not of this world, because...
All Christians are hypocrites every time we judge other people by the standards of conduct (God’s law & will in the bible) that we ourselves cannot keep....
Moses is the likely author of this Psalm according to Jewish tradition. Moses certainly had many opportunities to make God his refuge and watch God deliver...
In my view no Christian can lose their salvation and here is the proof. Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his...
The following passages provide more insight into us receiving the righteousness of Christ. Romans 3:25; 5:17; 8:10-11; 10:4 1 Corinthians 1:30 Galatians 2:21...
Philippians 4:8-9 is a perfect example of Christian meditation. “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,...
In one sense, "meditate" is a neutral word that simply means to think deeply about, or consciously focus one's mind or thoughts on, a given subject. (Various...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 favorites.
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What is the significance of the Medo-Persian Empire in biblical history?
To me, the thought being expressed here is similar to the usage of the same word in Numbers 18:20, where God told Aaron (as the man chosen to be the first...
I would say that the idea of finding refuge under God's wings conveys the idea of being in a safe place that completely separates and shelters the followers...
To me, the attitude of the publican in Jesus' parable of the Pharisee and the publican (Luke 18:9-14) speaks to this subject. The publican, in an attitude of...
In the verse prior to the verse cited in the question (1 Timothy 6:5), Paul referred to people who view being godly not as something desirable per se, or as...
By my understanding, the Hebrew word translated as "stranger" in the verse cited in the question could also be expressed as "sojourner" (as multiple...
The only sin that can send a person to hell is UNBELIEF that Jesus is the Son of God and Saviour of the World. Every Christian struggles with one sin or...
In my view, human kindness and Godly kindness are vastly different character traits. The sinful desires of our flesh do not like this concept of kindness. If...
I believe that God both allows calamities and catastrophes to happen, and initiates then in accordance with his will. In Job chapter 1 Satan asks for...
In Matthew 6:22 Jesus said “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.” The context of this verse is...
Does the righteousness of Christ imputed to us by God imply that we are actually and truly righteous?
2 Corinthians 5:21
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