What did the Apostle Paul mean by the "mystery?"
The Mystery! (Romans 16:25) ~ Now to Him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel (the ministry He shared with Paul), and the preaching of...
The Mystery! (Romans 16:25) ~ Now to Him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel (the ministry He shared with Paul), and the preaching of...
I assume this question is asking whether or not a bikini should be worn IN FRONT OF OTHERS. When by yourself, there is no reason to wear or not wear any...
Do you know Jesus? Have you accepted Him as Savior? See Romans 10:8-13. How do you know who the god is that you love? We cannot go outside the Bible, God's...
In a letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul discusses the ministry of reconciliation, and he uses the term "ambassadors" for Christ: "All this is from...
YeHoshua, in His "great commission" said to baptize (teach) in the authority of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Ruach HaChodesh. An ambassador has the...
"No condemnation" can be defined in courtroom language. To have "no condemnation" declared means to be found innocent of the accusation, to have no sentence...
As we live as the Messiah lived, there is no condemnation in that life. Zeḵaryah and Elisheḇa were two such people. They lived before the time when Messiah...
The imagery and symbolism of marriage is applied to Christ and the body of believers known as the church. The church is comprised of those who have trusted...
Do a study on two things, in order to have a better understanding of who the bride is. The bride is actually the called out ones, belonging to Israel. These...
Philippians 1:21 says, "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Most people focus on the second part of the verse, "to die is gain," and...
To live "in the Messiah" one will hear with understanding, and obey (Sh'ma). Two things to look at... The one you want to do is shown in Isaiah 8:20. Study...
The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear Elohim and keep his commandments, for this is the whole of man... Ecc. 12:13 Most Bibles have the word "duty"...
The Bible doesn't have anything at all to say about foot-washing. What YeHoshua was doing with His disciples was that he was cleansing the final part of...
King Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes. He spent his life in search of the "meaning of life" and discusses all the things he did to try and find...
The answer to that question would be quite lengthy I would suggest to contact JW.ORG and request the book Revelation it's grand climax at hand there will be...
I personally don't think that words like OMG take the Lord's name in vain. I'm pretty sure God can distinguish whether we are speaking conversationally or...
Youth need examples and mentors ones that are brought up in the Word.. that have a passion for them ..They are hungry and in need of direction not...
Speaking in tongues is evidence of some spirit. What spirit is it? Now that is a worthy question.
God does not tell us not to kill; he tells us not to murder. In other places, he told his people to kill those who take another person's life Gen 9:5; those...
"Let not Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." 1...
The answer lies in knowing why God saved people during the floods. God is sovereign. All that He does speaks of His sovereignty and at the same time...
Needless to underecore the fact that youths all over the world are faced with hard decisions to make in every sphere of life. While recognizing that...
I have a Scripture that speaking in tongues is evidence of the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit is the same thing as Holy Ghost). Acts 1:5 (KJV) 5For John truly...
Yes. Many times, when we ask others if something is wrong like this, God has revealed the answer to our heart already. Always pray about questions we have...
How do we know God wasn't lying in the Bible? How do we know God is good and satan is evil and that God is more powerful than satan OUTSIDE of the Bible, bec...
Who says that Jesus went to hell? That's preposterous to even think that the creator had to go to hell to accomplish our salvation. Wasn't the cross...
Of course He needs us. He has chosen to work with us to complete His will. After all He placed man as a vice regent of His creation. The fact that God became...
I have given this lots of thought and in my opinion if we use God's name in vain a lot, how will He know when we really need his help? Saying His name is the...
The Tangible Kingdom Movement is described in a book titled The Tangible Kingdom: Creating Incarnational Community, written by Hugh Halter and Matt Smay....
Kingdom Now theology is a theological belief within the Charismatic movement of Protestant Christianity, mainly in the United States. Kingdom Now proponents...
I struggle with this question daily. On one hand God placed the tree of good and evil in the Garden of Eden & told them not to eat from it. They chose to...
In our Jewish thought, when we wright or refer any thing in writing to the word God, the word God is typed G_D or a variant close to this. I try to keep even...
For simplicity's sake I will say that speaking in tounges is happening in the world today in 2 ways. 1st as the sign of the holy spirit coming into a person....
Yes. Saying Jeez and OMG are still taking the Lord's Name in vain. It is sin. Say, "Buddha" instead. He doesn't exist and it will make you laugh.
It is a posture of heart, when we know about something or someone, and that thing or that person means a lot to us, that we'll try our best to never...
The answer is clarified when the word for "take" (as in "take the Lord's Name in vain") is examined. The Hebrew word (transliterated) is "nasa" . . . a word...
A "watchcare" or "watch care" ministry is a program in some churches allowing believers from other congregations to connect with their ministry without...
The concept of the parachurch ministry was unknown to the first century church and is therefore not mentioned in Scripture. The definition of a Christian...
Students need to counteract the influences of culture with godly influences. Only God can keep them from being shaped by culture. This is also a big part of...
“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. (Luke 6:37 NIV) Moreover, the...
John 5:36 - 6:3
Christian youths should keep themselves in the company of other Christians to avoid the negative influences of media and promote good influence from their...
If you really want to know if tongues are for today, don't ask men. Ask God and trust him to reveal the truth to you in his timing. All the opposition I hear...
1 Peter 1 is a long chapter. I will try to do my best. Sprinkled with his blood - meaning sanctified or made holy, or set apart for the Lord. Blood is...
Seven is a number symbolic of the covenant, i.e. Sabbath. The descriptions of the four creatures (lion, ox, eagle, man), eyes everywhere with six wings, are...
Read Genesis 28:9 again. It explains that Esau took 2 more wives, in addition to the wives he already had.
Hmmm, this is a very misunderstood subject. All I can say to the asker of the question is to fast, pray, and seek God for clarity. Personally I have had an...
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