How can we know if a person is saved?
I was not put on earth to judge or question my wife's (or anyone's ) salvation. My first wife died and my father (earthly), an evangelist, introduced me to...
I was not put on earth to judge or question my wife's (or anyone's ) salvation. My first wife died and my father (earthly), an evangelist, introduced me to...
I believe that speaking in toungs is not the only way to know if the spirit is with you. In Cor. 12 - 14 talks all about ALL OF THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT....
I am assuming that your husband does not actively deny God or you probably would not be asking. If he does, then there is a greater battle to be waged by the...
By faith. John 3:16. It's not in our jurisdiction but God loves and final desicion.
You shall know them by there fruits. Galations: 5:19-25. The bible makes it clear if we are saved by our fruits. Please read and you will know right away.God...
Jesus said that it is for whosoever will, meaning that it is an act of willful submission for whoever sees themselves in need of the Savior. Jesus alludes to...
Do we have assurance of salvation? Yes and No. We can have a moral assurance - in a sense, we can ask ourselves, "Did I get baptized?", "Have I confessed all...
The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (Didache) is a brief early Christian treatise, dated by most scholars to the late first or early 2nd century. The second...
Obviously, Limited atonement is a truth. Why? Because otherwise everyone, universally, would be saved. If Christ actually died for all the sins of the whole...
It's a tough thing, one minute you think your brother is saved, then you find out that they went out and did something totally umbilical, and aren't asking...
Why did one thief "choose Jesus" and the other reject His Saviorhood? Both had same opportunity to hear His words from the Cross, yet only one would be with...
"Coptic" means "Egyptian," and Christians living in Egypt identify themselves as Coptic Christians. As a denomination they originated in the city of...
1 Cor. 15:1-5 declares the Gospel of Christ. Rom. 1:16 says that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. 2 Thes. 1:8 tells us that we must obey the...
The Bible says enough about being a Christian husband that a book could be written about it all. In fact, a number of books have been written about it. This...
The Christian Husband How exactly can a Christian husband apply the scriptural admonition found at Ephesians 5:25 which says “husbands continue to love your...
Throughout history countless devout men and women, in many different religions, have chosen to be celibate. Why? In many cases it was because they believed...
I have not seen the words limited atonement in my Bible. Whoever, means anyone who will come to Christ will not be sent away, or given a partial pardon....
Christ certainly had passion as He healed the sick and cast out demons. He saw people as a sheep without a shepherd. Certainly, it was a passion for lost...
We may not have them by that same title, but many perform the same function as the original apostles, spreading the word, with signs and wonders following,...
Absolutely! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. So are his wonderful gifts and the gifts of the Spirit. There is no Amen on the book of Acts. It...
We need to pray for our youth. We need to make church relevant and meaningful for them. They need activities so they can spend time with other Christians....
Much of the contemporary Gospel music is very good. But the rap and rock music of the world would probably get the same reaction as the day that Moses came...
We can not be holy by ourselves. Our own efforts will fail every time. It is only as we yield ourselves totally to Christ and abiding in Him that He can help...
The premise of the Hebrew Roots movement is the belief that the Church has veered far from the true teachings and Hebrew concepts of the Bible. The movement...
Synonymous parallelism is a poetic literary device which involves the repetition of one idea in successive lines. The first half of a verse will make a...
Are you, yourself, a born-again Believer? How long have you enjoyed that status? When were you born again? What happened back then? What sequence of events...
The phrase "unequally yoked" comes from 2 Corinthians 6:14 in the King James Version: "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what...
It is BIBLICAL, if not globally accepted. It should NOT be rejected. It is phrased a little bit different, but it is the same sense across varied cultures....
The "Platinum Rule" is a perfect example of the relativism that's rampant in our culture today and it's NOT biblical. It asserts that people have the right...
"You shall not steal" (Exodus 20:15) is one of the Ten Commandments people can readily recall, even though it is number eight in the Decalogue. And while...
God warns us about changing His Word. The golden rule states that we should treat others as we want to be treated and to adopt the platinum rule changes the...
The only adjective used to describe the church in English in that passage is "every." However, when you look up the meanings of Bible words in the original...
Has your husband obeyed the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Has he been baptized (complete immersion) into Christ? If not, he is not saved. One cannot simply believe...
I would have to say no, having an unbelieving mate is not grounds for divorce. The only scriptural grounds for divorce is adultery. If marriage mates have...
Paul, Barnabas, Titus, and evidently Timothy are recorded as taking part in appointing persons as “older men” in the congregations. (Ac 14:21-23; 1Ti 5:22;...
A person is changed by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit talks about Jesus all the time so if someone isn't sharing their faith something may be wrong. God...
God's laws are spiritual and are written on His children's hearts? If we are not "born again" by the Spirit of God, trying to keep God's laws become...
Yes, we are to obey the ten commandments. Look at it this way. The first 4 of the ten commandments talks about loving the Lord your God with all you heart,...
I believe you mean Ephesians 2:8-9: "For grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest...
I'm trying to figure out how to "KNOW" if my Husband is Saved. We've been married 27 years the end of this month. He was a career Naval Aviator, gone a lot...
Yes we are still to keep the commandments of God. Read Isaiah 56. The law of moses was the only law that was abolished. That is because the Lord became the...
It is not biblical. There are people in the world who want to be mistreated. There are people among us who desire "treatment" that the Bible specifically...
Like it or not the Law is a Good thing. It keeps us out of trouble. It's people that are bad; if people were not bad we would not need the Law, but some...
The Platinum Rule: "Treat others as they wish to be treated."
The Nation of Hebrews, National Israel, the Hebrew folk, began to ignore the Abrahamic Covenant when it was "just off the press." God's love for them was not...
Mathew 28:19 gives us the answer. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:...
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