Why does the bible tell us to do things that seem impossible to do?
We can only do the things that please God by the power of His Holy Spirit. Our flesh is weak and tends to complain, murmur, have tantrums, covet, be selfish,...
We can only do the things that please God by the power of His Holy Spirit. Our flesh is weak and tends to complain, murmur, have tantrums, covet, be selfish,...
I have to disagree. The answer and view is a bit myopic. Well Yes, It's Biblical. It's just one example of the relativity of the living word. When and if you...
Anything that the Holy Spirit does not provide in support of our Spiritual Nature. Think about it. You'll be up all night, all day tomorrow if you can stay...
I have studied James and it occurred to me to draw a diagram of the balance between faith and works. Picture a sea-saw at a playground. On one end sits a...
All the various forms of modern idolatry have one thing at their core: self. We no longer bow down to idols and images. Instead we worship at the altar of...
I happened to view the recent MTV Awards show that televised from Brooklyn NY. My mouth hung open and my stomach wrenched. It's not just a generational...
I agree with the ones above, and add: Smart Phones Labeling people with a "number" ID (e.g., Social Security No.) Tapping into your phone conversations,...
I Quote N.T. Wright: The real problem with the myth of progress is, as I just hinted, that it cannot deal with evil. And when I say “deal with,” I don’t just...
Most definitely, we should and want to keep God's commandments. The commandments are there for a purpose: to show us God's character, to keep us walking the...
Matthew 21:12 Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple,and overturned the tables of the money...
No, a person cannot be saved by general revelation, it requires belief in the promised Messiah. This is a specific revelation of Jesus by the Father. Jesus...
Unfortunately, much of our "religion" today is trying to reach or please God by our own works. Galatians deals with being saved by faith and then trying to...
I would ask; "What does the crucifixion of Christ mean to you?" If he answers that it was a miscarriage of justice, it shouldn't have happened or along...
Jesus said, in John 5:19 "but what he sees the Father do, for what things so ever he does, these also does the Son likewise." One of the sub questions above...
Eugenics. Genetically Modified. Mixing dna of two or more different species to create a hybrid, beast. Not sci-fi anymore. They are playing God. Its being...
In Luke 23:43, Jesus declared, "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with me in paradise." The word Jesus used for "paradise" is paradeisos which means "a...
The Internet is the most obvious one to me. It links every one together and when you need a answer to a question where do you go? The Internet. When I write...
Complementarianism is the teaching that masculinity and femininity are ordained by God and that men and women are created to complement, or complete, each...
Gen 11:4 says the people wanted to make a name for themselves lest they be scattered. It seems to me that this whole "look at me" mentality that is prevalent...
The Christian life is about growing in God over time and exchanging our imperfect ways for God's holy and perfect ways. At the moment of salvation, we are...
How can I do things without grumbling (some versions say complaining) when that is all I can think about. How can I love when all I do is hate? Does God expe...
Philippians 2:14
I would say Rosetta stone can be compared to the Tower of Babel as a mordern day achievement, in that out of the Towel of Babel came all the languages of the...
I would say no. And here is why. In Acts 2:1-13 the bible says When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And...
2 Samuel 21:1 - 14
2 Samuel 21:1 - 14
Jesus visited the Temple, noted that they had turned it into a den of thieves, and came back the next day to clean house. He explains what He was thinking...
Wow! Too many to number! 1) The United Nations 2) Barack Hussein Obama 3) The War in VietNam 4) The War in Iraq 5) ........hundreds more.
Other than Luke 2:41-52, the Bible does not tell us anything about Jesus' youth. From this incident we do know certain things about Jesus' childhood. First,...
Part of the reason we know little of Jesus' childhood has also to do with the eyewitness nature of the gospels. Chances are Jesus was not known to the...
Acts 19 is a good place to start. Here we have believers, on thier way to heaven. Paul asked have you recieved the Holy Ghost since you believed they said...
First Corinthians 10:13 says, "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond...
That is a valid question, because if we did leak then surely we could stop it from leaking. We are a spirit and our spirits do need nourishment. Jesus said...
I'm not sure what you mean by "leaky vessels". Leaky in the sense that we use the restroom or leaky in the sense that we leak God's love to others or leaky...
We do not leak in the sense that we need to be "topped up" The Holy Spirit is a person, not a quantity, you are either indwelt by Him or you are not. We are...
Do you thik he's thinking about "cleansing the temple," the market that goes on in there? Is he thinking about God? Is he thinking about how the temple will ...
Mark 11:11
Jesus asked Peter three times,"Do you love me?" as recorded in John 21:15-17. This occurred when Jesus was having breakfast with His disciples soon after His...
This is one of my favorite passages from John. There are only two places in the entire NT where (in Greek) specifically a "charcoal fire" is mentioned. One...
Taking the worst thing David did, he committed adultery with Bathsheba and murdered her husband. Both offenses under Moses law demanded the death penalty,...
There has long been a notion that Jesus never laughed. Traditionally, paintings of Jesus have tended toward melancholy portrayals of a somber, glum Savior....
My opinion on this is that Jesus was as human as they come. He was a baby and all the babies I know laugh a lot and of course cry a lot. He was a toddler and...
Isaiah 45:7 in the King James Version reads, "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." How does...
Please let people remember that the devil's original name was Lucifer[Angel of Light] that exists in heaven. Suddenly, he rebelled in his mind against God....
That's where God comes in. We can not love our enemy's on our own, We need to ask God to give us His love, to love someone we don't have the love for &...
At the time of Jesus' life, the "scriptures" consisted of the law and the prophets (i.e. the Old Testament). Consider John 17:12 where Jesus said, "...I have...
The LORD says in Mark 12:31 "The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[a] There is no commandment greater than these.” The LORD also says, he...
If so, what did he do in these situations? This is a follow up question to http://ebible.com/questions/3787
There are a lot of people I don't like but would love enough to push out of the way of a speeding bus.
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