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Jennifer Rothnie

Housewife, Artist, Perpetually Curious
I came to Christ sometime when I was three - but I don't actually remember the day or what I said. I just know that afterwards I walked with God and knew I had accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior; that He had died to cover my sins; and told everyone so. I was first drawn to God because God was just and true. I knew the world did not operate by its own rules sometimes, and that I was not perfect either. Only a just God could save me, and He had sent His son to do so.

I've been able to attend many different denominations over the years, due to attending church with grandparents, or moving to a new area, or meeting times. My favorite Bible Study group I used to attend was one made up of believers who came from many different denominations, who met at a house to study the word. [If there was ever a topic that had too much denominational friction to discuss, we would have a separate 3 hour + "Can of worms" discussion, with a moderator, to really dive into the scriptures! Those were very fun].

Recent Activity


Will the Holy Spirit be present during the tribulation?

Yes, the Holy Spirit is with us in times of tribulation, and will certainly...

Comment 1 More Answer Asked October 01 2014


If my husband is watching porn is that a biblical reason for divorce?

The earthly marriage covenant between man and wife is a reflection of the...

4 Comments 5 More Answers 4 Votes Asked September 24 2014


Can you pray to a statue of Jesus?

It is wrong to perform any form of reverence or reverent service to an image...

2 Comments 2 More Answers 3 Votes Asked September 18 2014


What is Pascal's Wager?

'Pascal's Wager' is a heavily summarized version of one of Blaise Pascal's...

5 Comments 2 More Answers 14 Votes Asked September 18 2014


What is the difference between an affliction and a sickness?

"Affliction" in James 5:13 means 'to suffer evil' or to endure affliction....

1 Comments 5 Votes Asked September 06 2014


Which authors of the gospels were not apostles?

At least 13 of the books of the New Testament were written by the Apostle...

Comment Asked September 05 2014


Why did Lamech say he should be avenged seventy-seven times to his wives?

Scripture does not go into great detail on this occurrence. It could be, as...

1 Comments 5 More Answers 2 Votes Asked September 04 2014


Why did David seek to take back Michal as wife after she was wed to Paltiel?

Michal was David's wife, originally given to him by her father Saul. Saul...

Comment 3 Votes Asked September 01 2014


Is the Rapture the same as the Second Coming of Christ?

The rapture of the church and the second coming of Christ must of necessity...

13 Comments 16 More Answers 11 Votes Asked August 29 2014


How does predestination work as described by scripture?

Predestination (as per the Biblical definition) means to set...

9 Comments 16 More Answers 4 Votes Asked August 26 2014


Why do some say that there are no more apostles and prophets today for the church?

I believe some claim that there are no more apostles out of confusion as to...

7 Comments 13 More Answers 10 Votes Asked August 26 2014


Where does the term "rapture" originate from?

The term "Rapture" was popularized in the 19th century, and usually refers to...

1 Comments 1 More Answer 4 Votes Asked August 26 2014


Is the word "rapture" in the Bible?

No, the word rapture is not in the Bible (in english, latin, or greek). In...

6 Comments 10 More Answers 16 Votes Asked August 25 2014