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Julie Jordan

On disability so I make jewelry and do leather work for fun
I've always been real outgoing and very active. I played softball in high school and college. I loved to play sports and spend time with family and friends.  Since I'm unable to play softball anymore, I coached baseball for 12 years and 2 years fast pitch softball  for girls thst were 8-10. I taught Sunday school to k-5 for over a year and loved it. I love working with children. God has blessed me in many many ways.  At times when life is really hard and you feel like the walls are closing in and you're ready to give up, don't, if you trust God and believe Jesus is our Lord and Savior, you'll see there's a door on one of the walls. God always knows what's best for us and we may not like what is happening But you will see later that it was a blessing. I'm thankful for what I have, my family, my friends and for God letting me be a part of His creation. Whatever plans He has for me and what my purpose is, God I thank You for letting me have a chance to know You and for the Bible and Your Holy Spirit to guide me.  I pray You will use me Lord God so I may do Your will. I Jesus name, amen. 

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