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Timothy, Epistles Of Paul To

Smith's Bible Dictionary

The Epistles to Timothy and Titus are called the Pastoral Epistles, because they are principally devoted to directions about the work of the pastor of a church. The First Epistle was probably...


Smith's Bible Dictionary

(small, little). Nearly all the original materials for the life St. Paul are contained in the Acts of the Apostles and in the Pauline epistles. Paul was born in Tarsus, a city of Cilicia. (It is...

Philemon, The Epistle Of Paul To

Smith's Bible Dictionary

is one of the letters which the apostle wrote during his first captivity at Rome A.D. 63 or early in A.D. 64. Nothing is wanted to confirm the genuineness of the epistle: the external testimony is...

John, The Second And Third Epistles Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

The second epistle is addressed to an individual woman. One who had children, and a sister and nieces, is clearly indicated. According to one interpretation she is "the Lady Electa," to another,...

Willows, The Brook Of The

Smith's Bible Dictionary

a wady mentioned by Isaiah, (Isaiah 15:7) in his dirge over Moab. It is situated on the southern boundary of Moab, and is now called Wady el-Aksa.

Dispersion, The Jews Of The

Smith's Bible Dictionary

or simply THE DISPERSION, was the general title applied to those Jews who remained settled in foreign countries after the return from the Babylonian exile, and during the period of the second...

Angel Of The Lord

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Genesis 16:7) etc. (The special form in which God manifested himself to man, and hence Christ's visible form before the incarnation. Compare (Acts 7:30-38) with the corresponding Old-Testament...

Canon Of Scripture, The

Smith's Bible Dictionary

may be generally described as the "collection of books which form the original and authoritative written rule of the faith and practice of the Christian Church," i.e. the Old and New Testaments....

Micah, The Book Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

Three sections of this work represent three natural divisions of the prophecy--1, 2; 3-5; 6,7--each commencing with rebukes and threatening and closing with a promise. The first section opens with...

Sabaoth, The Lord Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

occurs in (Romans 9:29; James 5:4) but is more familiar through its occurrence in the Sanctus of Te Deum--"Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth." Sabaoth is the Greek form of the Hebrew word...

Tiberias, The Sea Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(John 21:1) [[1226]Gennesaret, Sea Of, SEA OF]

Uzza, The Garden Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

the spot in which Manasseh king of Judah and his son Amon were buried. (2 Kings 21:18, 26) It was the garden attached to Manasseh's palace. ver. 18. The fact of its mention shows that it was not...

Acts Of The Apostles

Smith's Bible Dictionary

the fifth book in the New testament and the second treatise by the author of the third Gospel, traditionally known as Luke. The book commences with an inscription to one Theophilus, who was...

Atonement, The Day Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

I. The great day of national humiliation, and the only one commanded in the Mosaic law. [[215]Fasts] The mode of its observance is described in Levi 16, and the conduct of the people is...

Mountain Of The Amorites

Smith's Bible Dictionary

specifically mentioned (1:19,20) comp. Deuteronomy 1:44 It seems to be the range which rises abruptly from the plateau of et-Tih, south of Judea, running from a little south of west to north of...

Wilderness Of The Wandering

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(The region in which the Israelites spent nearly 38 years of their existence after they had left Egypt, and spent a year before Mount Sinai. They went as far as Kadesh, on the southernmost border...

Daniel, The Book Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

stands at the head of a series of writings in which the deepest thoughts of the Jewish people found expression after their close of the prophetic era. Daniel is composed partly in the vernacular...

Dedication, Feast Of The

Smith's Bible Dictionary

the festival instituted to commemorate the purging of the temple and the rebuilding of the altar after Judas Maccabbeus had driven out the Syrians, B.C. 164. 1 Macc. 4:52-59. It is named only once...

Eclipse Of The Sun

Smith's Bible Dictionary

No historical notice of an eclipse occurs in the Bible, but there are passages in the prophets which contain manifest allusion to this phenomenon. (Joel 2:10, 31; 3:15; Amos 8:9; Micah 3:6; ...

Enoch, The Book Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

The first trance of the existence of this work is found in the Epistle of (Jude 1:14, 15) An apocryphal book called Enoch was known at a very early date, but was lost sight of until 1773, when...

Jubilee, The Year Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

+ the name.--The name jubilee is derived from the Hebrew jobel, the joyful shout or clangor of trumpets, by which the year of jubilee was announced. + The time of its celebration.--It was...

Millo, The House Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

+ Apparently a family or clan, mentioned in (Judges 9:6, 20) only, in connection with the men or lords of Shechem. + The spot at which King Joash was murdered by his slaves. (2 Kings 12:20)

Pharaoh, The Wife Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

The wife of one Pharaoh, the king who received Hadad the Edomite, is mentioned in Scripture. She is called "queen," and her name, Tahpenes, is given. [[961]Tahpenes; [962]Pharaoh, 6]

Shalim, The Land Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(the land of foxes), a district through which Saul passed on his journey in quest of his father's asses. (1 Samuel 9:4) only. It probably was east of Shalisha.

Tabernacles, The Feast Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Exodus 23:16) ("the feast of ingathering"), the third of the three great festivals: of the Hebrews, which lasted from the 15th till the 22d of Tisri. + The following are the principal passages in...

Tabor, The Plain Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

This is an incorrect translation, and should be THE [1191]Oak OF [1192]Tabor, [1193]Tabor. It is mentioned in (1 Samuel 10:3) only, as one of the points in the homeward journey of Saul after his...

Canaan, The Land Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(lit. lowland), a name denoting the country west of the Jordan and the Dead Sea, and between those waters and the Mediterranean; given by God to Abraham's posterity, the children of Israel. (Exodus...

Captivities Of The Jews

Smith's Bible Dictionary

The present article is confined to the forcible deportation of the Jew; from their native land, and their forcible detention, under the Assyrian or Babylonian kings. Captives of Israel.--The...

Elah, The Valley Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(valley of the terebinth), the valley in which David killed Goliath. (1 Samuel 17:2, 19) It lay somewhere near Socoh of Judah and Azekah, and was nearer Ekron than any other Philistine town. 1Sam....

Judith, The Book Of

Smith's Bible Dictionary

one of the books of the Apocrypha, belongs to the earliest specimens of historical fiction. As to its authorship it belongs to the Maccabean period, B.C. 175-135, which it reflects not only in its...

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