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Was Judas Iscariot forgiven / saved?
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Was Judas Iscariot forgiven / saved?
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Why is it important to be familiar with church history?
I would suggest that Jesus fulfilled the in the sense that it spoke of Him in prophecy. He did not abolish it because it is binding on those who reject the...
Angels are personal spiritual beings who have intelligence, emotions, and will. This is true of both the good and evil angels (demons). Angels possess...
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What is the unpardonable sin / unforgivable sin?
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How old was Adam when he was created?
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How do I know that I can physically heal people?
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Are all sins equal to God?
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Is there a biblical list of sins?
Although I would very much like to give proper credit for this work I do not know who compiled it. I have had it for several years and only share it for...
This is a complex question that delves into many facets so let me try to break it down to the most simplistic view based on my understanding. Our body – The...
We are challenged constantly in the Church because there are many teachings that abuse the Bible contexts and lead many into error. To understand why a book...
Romans 5:13 says "for until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law." Also Romans 4:15 states that the law works wrath and...
One thing is for true, one cannot negate a persons experience, and until you experience the power initiated in Acts 2:4, I can understand the skeptism....
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Why should a believer talk in tongues?
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Why did God create us?
It seems that the answer to the question about the "sin unto death" would be found in the epistle that John wrote, not what Matthew, Mark, Luke, Peter, Paul,...
God always makes good come out of our evil, which demonstrates His own holiness and righteousness. Lot could only be considered righteous because of his...
Great question George it's good to know some of your generation aren't buying the deceptions peddled via academia and are still in the pursuit of truth in a...
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What does the Bible say about being late or lateness?
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What does the Bible say about bisexuality? Is being a bisexual a sin?
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Do Christians have to obey the Old Testament law?
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Does the New Testament address tithing?
The original Hebrew text states that God created Eve "from the curve of Adam". This was later translated to Greek as "Rib". Considering what we know today...
First, we'll state the obvious: this article is not about the heart as a vital organ, a muscle that pumps blood throughout the body. Neither is this article...
The question is: "Is it acceptable to repeatedly pray for the same thing?" Luke 18:1 ¶ And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to...
The wine of Jesus' time had significantly less alcohol content than what is produced today, probably no more than that of today's lite beer. Regarding...
In my humble opinion let us look to the scriptures for a deeper "sod" (secret things that profit) meaning of what is being transmitted here by the Lord...
The Lord stated in Matthew 5:17 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." Matthew 5:18 "For...
Divorce is never healthy. Divorce destroys families and frankly ruins lives. Divorce shouldn't even be the last option on the table, it should be the option...
I don't believe that God puts us though trials or tribulations, at least not by his will and design. Many, many, years ago I read a book written by a...
At the risk of sounding noncommittal, the answer to both questions is "yes." There is an important balance between the two. We are not to frantically search...
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What is an abuse of biblical context and how can it deceive the unwary?
Probably the most common question people ask after a miscarriage is "Why did this happen?" or "Why did God do this to me?" There are no easy answers to these...
One dictionary defines contentment as "the state of being mentally or emotionally satisfied with things as they are." Today it is rare that we find anyone...
That disciple was John himself. John, as writer of the Gospel of John, never referred to himself by name in the book of John. He always referred to himself...
It is granted that in the Old Testament, the devil tried to lure people to disobey God's Law. Is it true, then, that in the New Testament, the devil now trie...
This is a very in-depth question, and a very good one. I'd really suggest you go to the websites of Creation Ministries or Creation Ministries International....
I am not suggesting that I do not believe in evolution, I am just interested in this question.
Mankind's lifetimes continued to diminish from Genesis 6:3 until the last century when medical knowledge developed enough to allow us to live longer with new...
Speaking in tongues is a greatly debated, but there should not be any confusion about it, as ''God is not the author of confussion.'' 1 Cornthians 14:33....
My father lacked self control when it came to discipline. When angered by anything his 7 children might do, the rage took the form of physical injury. One...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Why should a believer talk in tongues?
Criterion: 5 people read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Why did the people in Genesis live such long lives?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Why should a believer talk in tongues?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Is there any evidence (historical or geological) that the flood actually happened?
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